Sunday, May 31, 2015

How To Make Your Own Favour Bag - Step By Step Tutorial

Hi everyone. Welcome to this evenings post!

Today I wanted to show you how to make something simple, yet extremely helpful in my opinon.

It is around this time every year where the sound of wedding bells, the ribbon on wedding cards and the floods of people dressed up begin catching me eye. Wedding season has began!

I absolutely love weddings. Seeing all my friends and family, seeing the beautiful decor and, of course, finally seeing the dress. I've seen people having amazing days on a variety of budgets and I think its brilliant how you can also personalise your special day more with some handmade items.

Obviously weddings can be massively expensive and not everyone has the funds to pay for their dream day. BUT, there are little things you can do here and there to help with expensives.

I've seen people make their own centre pieces, small favour bags, invitations, decorations etc. So in todays post I thought I would show you how you can make a favour bag for you special day.

Now you could actually use this to give someone a small gift in but they are the perfect size for wedding favour bags. You could also use these as an alternatives for party bags at your children's parties.

These are a cute thing to add to your wedding as it allows you to personalise your favours to your guests, you can match your colour scheme and you make it the perfect size for you gift!

Continue reading to find out exactly how to make them!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

How To Create The Mother Of Pearl Effect

Hi everyone. Happy Wednesday!

In todays post I am going to show you how to create a beautiful effect called 'mother of pearl.' This is such a simple and easy thing to do but it makes for a stunning picture.

There are so many different ways you could use this effect. You could punch out shapes for your cards, write on a quote on it or even just frame it for a lovely piece in your house.

You only need a handful of items to make this and it takes hardly any time at all.

What You Need:
- Metallic acrylic paint - I used a white one
- A sandwich bag or cling film
- Polaroid photo paper - I got mine from Poundland - BARGIN!
- A brayer - I purchased mine from Hobbycraft
- Ink of your choice - I used Stampin Up! 'Melon Mambo'

Sunday, May 24, 2015

What I Got For My Birthday - Haul!

Hi everyone. Hope you're enjoying your Sunday! As today is my birthday I decided to do two post this weekend.

I thought it would be nice to show you what I got for my bithday! I got some lovely crafting presents from my family.

DISCLAIMER: I wanted to put a short disclaimer as I don't want anybody to think I am showing off in any way. I'm incredibly lucky to have a family who bought me these gifts and support my hobby. I personally love seeing what someone has recently purchased or presents they have received as it gives me ideas of what I can buy. This is in no way a sponsored post and the presents I recieved were payed for by my family member. Hope this is okay!

All my gifts are from Stampin Up! and Hobbycraft. I personally love these two crafting shops and buy from these two the most often!

If you would like to see what I got then just keep reading!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Floating Acetate Card - Step by Step Tutorial

Hi everyone. Hope you're all having a lovely Saturday! I love three day weekends as it gives me a lot more time to do some crafting. Normally I post my step-by-step tutorials on a Saturday but as it my birthday tomorrow I wanted to do two posts this weekend!

I saw this card on youtube and it immediately drew my attention. I had never seen anything like it before and I was sure I wanted to try it.

This is a Acetate Card. I decided to use idea and create a very simple yet very interesting card. I love how it looks as though the card is floating and it makes for such a unique piece on a bookshelf or fire place.

Now this step-by-step tutorial is slightly different than my usual one. When I first made the card (pictured above) I wasn't completely satisfied how it turned out. I love the colours and the stamps I had used but the actual card itself didn't look right.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Top 10 Tips for Crafting Beginners!

Hi crafters!

Welcome back to another post. I wanted to do a similar style post as I did last wednesday as I feel this could be helpful to someone who wants to get into crafts!

Some of these may seem very obvious but I feel there are a few tips that I never knew when I first began. So if even if you are a beginner or a long-time crafter I hope you can take something from this post!

(Please note these aren't in any particular order)

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Happy Birthday Screen Card! - Step By Step Tutorial

Welcome back to my blog!

In todays step by step tutorial I'm going to show you how to make a screen card. I absolutely love making screen cards. I think they make for beautiful birthday, valentines, wedding day cards etc.

I got the inspiration from Dawn's youtube channel. I absolutely love Dawn, she makes beautiful cards and so many other things - plus she has the bubbliest personality which is so contagious! I'll leave a link to her channel, website and twitter below. Be sure to check her out!

Dawns Youtube Channel - here
Dawns Website - here
Dawns Twitter - here

As with all other types cards theres so many possibilities for the design, they are so fun to make. Here are some other ones I have previously made.

Click below and let's get started!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

5 Things You Should Do BEFORE You Begin Making A Card!

Hi there crafters! Thanks so much for visiting my blog.

Todays post is slightly different from what I have been doing so far but I thought I would give it a go so let me know what you think!

Recently I was on working a few different projects and cards when one of my daughters came over for a visit. I was showing her some of things I had made and she asked me some questions which inspired me to make this post. She asked if I every felt overwhelmed when making someone a card and how I go about beginning making one when they are so many possible designs.

I've been making cards for a little over a year now and I absolutely love doing it. When I thought about what she said I realised that I had this little process before I even began making my cards to help me.

Whether you are a beginner or even a crafting expert I feel these tips will be useful. Some may seen like common sense but we all get a little overwhelmed every now and again. With crafting there are so many different ways of doing things you sometimes need to take everything one step at time. We all have that one month where it feels like everyone in the family is having a birthday, anniversary or a card giving event. Trying to make muiltple different and unique cards can be stressful.

So next time you're feeling a bit stuck, try these small tips to help you out!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Make Your Own Gift Card Holder! - Step By Step Tutorial

Hi there everyone!

Hope those of you who are celebrating mothers day today are having a lovely one!

In todays step by step tutorial I am going to show you how to make your own personalised gift card holder.

I love making these for birthdays or christmas as it adds such a lovely personal touch to a gift. I've even put money in them! You can cater this to anyone or any occasion and theres so much to experiment with.

Click 'Read more' and lets begin!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Can't find your perfect colour spritzing ink? Here's how to make it!

Hi everyone, thank you so much for visiting my blog.

If you are a crafting fanatic or even just a beginner one thing you should experiment with are spritzing inks! They are essentially a liquid paint which you can spray to create different effects. You can control the strength of the colour and the pattern. Spray far away with a few short squirts you will get a light splatter effect. Spray at close range heavily and you will get a fuller coverage.

One issue I have personally had is that I've struggled to find certain colours. Whenever I have come across them in store I have always found myself looking at the same limited colour range. I've had in mind the colours I have wanted for certain projects and I wondered if I could make them myself.

I decided to try and make my own spritzing ink with my acrylic paints. I have a reasonably wide range of colours in my acrylic paint collection and I thought I may be able to experiment with different colours and paint textures (e.g matt, pearlescent).

After trying a few different mixtures I finally found a way! If you want to find out how then keep reading!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Matching Mothers Day Box and Card! - Step by Step Tutorial

Hi everyone! In todays step-by-step tutorial I will show you how I made this adorable box and card.

This is a brilliant idea for those of you who have mothers day coming up. The box is a perfect size for a wide range of presents from a beautiful necklace to some cheeky chocolates for all those deserving mothers!

Click 'read more' below and lets get crafting!