Sunday, April 26, 2015

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog. If you are a lover of all things art and crafts or even a beginner then I hope this is the blog for you. I've had a passion for making cards, bags, art work etc ever since I discovered tutorials on youtube a few years ago. I began by just making cards for friends and family on their birthdays then started to branch out making things like quote art and gift bags. I was often asked how I made them, what I used, where you could you purchase the equipment from; I realised not only did I enjoy making things but I also enjoyed showing how I did it. I wanted to make it easy people to make their own cards and art work so I've decided to start this blog.

Here you will find step-by-step tutorials, reviews, hauls, quick tips and many more exciting things. I would love to know what you think so please let me know! It would also be amazing to see if you ever make something I put on my blog so be sure to tag me on twitter or instagram with the hashtag #sukilucrafts

Feel free to comment if you have a crafting blog, website or youtube channel so I can check it out.


Susan x

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