Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Quick Way To Spruce Up Your Lampshade! - Decor DIY

Hey everyone! I wanted to do a real quick post tonight to show you an easy way to glam up your lamp shade.

I had bought a plain white lamp shade from Ikea and it was so dull I never ended up using it. I was sorting out some of my crafting supplies when I came across these strips of beads/gems and hearts and thought they would be perfect to try make my lamp shade look a little more fun!

It's such an easy DIY to do and all you need are some plastic gems or shapes and a hot glue gun!

If you want to find out how to achieve this then just keep reading.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

No Bake Vanilla Cheesecake! - Step by Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome to another post. Can you believe the weekend is over already?!

I wanted to give you a bit of a break from my usual tutorials and show you something I love to cook up in the kitchen.

I love making cakes but one of my favourite kinds of cakes is cheesecake. I have made this vanilla no bake cheesecake for years and it is definitely a family favourite! It's such a simple desert but it's so tasty. I can also add little touches here and there to make it unique for any individual. 

What's amazing about this cake is that the only 'baking' required is to melt butter. These are the perfect treat for littles ones and they won't be waiting around for the cakes to cool down!

If you want to find out how you can make your own no bake vanilla cheesecake then just keep reading.

Friday, September 25, 2015

The Importance of a Brain Dump! - Fridays With Danielle

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another post with myself, Danielle. I can't believe it's Friday already!

I wanted to do a post explaining what I feel is the importance of a brain dump. I have been using it now for around a month and I can honestly say it has helped me out so much! A brain dump is essentially a place where you store any ideas, things you want to remember, basically anything that comes to your mind and you want to be able to record it.

The thing I love about a brain dump is that it can be as messy as you want it to be. You can slap on a load of sticky notes or just write directly on the page. It doesn't have to be this beautiful decorated or organised place. As long as you can decipher it all, its fine! I did decorate the front of mine though. How can I not?!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Faux Embossing With Dies!

Hey everyone!

I wanted to do a short post today showing you a technique I have recently discovered. Bit of a break from tutorials!

One thing I love to do with all my projects is embossing card with embossing folders through my big shot. Whilst this technique is so much fun something I find myself limited to the kind of patterns I have and I don't have much control in terms of where I emboss. 

I discovered a way you can create the look of embossed card using dies. 

Wouldn't this just be an amazing christmas card?! Pop on a sentiment and a splash of colour and thats it!

With this technique you have 100% control over the outcome and the possibilities will be so much more than with just regular embossing folders.

If you want to learn this technique then just keep reading!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Milk Carton Box With Windows - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone!

Welcome to another Sunday step by step tutorial. I have been so looking forwards to getting back into my crafting since I've been back off holiday. You may also know my youngest daughter went to University yesterday so I have also been busy getting her ready for that!

In today's tutorial I wanted to show you another milk carton type box. I showed you how to make a smaller one a while ago, you can check it out here, but I love experimenting with different sizes and I thought I would show you a bigger version.

I made something very similar to these last easter and filled them with lots of chocolatey goodies for my family. 

I love the little windows on the box so it gives a little sneak peak to whats inside. As always with any box or bag the possibilities for occasions or who you give them to are endless! I think it greats to have a wide range on hand made boxes you can make because them you aren't limited to whats gift you can buy. I never think you should base you gift on what boxes you make but the other way round!

Long go the days for me buying huge gift bags from the supermarkets and only putting a box of chocolates inside!

If you want to find out how to make this box then just keep reading

Friday, September 18, 2015

Stitched TN Insert & What We Won! - Fridays with Danielle

Hey everyone!

I recently was asked by my aunt to make her a travellers notebook insert because she had seen a few other I had done. I was more than happy to do that for her and I wanted to show you my new method of making them. If you want to see one I made for my niece then check out this post here.

I have discovered an easy method of binding the book I make which obviously keeps the paper from the falling out. It also gives me a lot more room to decorate exactly how I want! If you've been reading my post for a while you will know how much of a fan I am of Cori @ The Reset Girl. I've seen multiple videos of her where she decorates inserts and it's definitely one of my favourite things to do now!

Also you may not one but we won a giveaway on Instagram! Stay to the end of the post if you want a little look at what won.

Here how I make my inserts now.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Gift Bag In A Rush!

Hi everyone!

I wanted to do a short and sweet post today to show you a quick gift bag idea if you are in a rush!

There have been a few times in the past where I bought a present for a loved one and completely forgot to buy wrapping paper. I don't tend to have gift bags lying around my house so I wanted to see if I could quickly grab some of my crafting supplies and make up a gift bag in little to no time!

I still love to show people that I make some short of effort and they can still appreciate the personal touch I have added to their gift. Now obviously you can decorate or embelish this gift bag as much as you would like but I thought it would be nice to show you that even with the smallest decoration it can still look cute.

It would be so easy to make this bag for any occasion for any person you intended it to be for!

Here's how you do it!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Wine Glass Box - Step By Step Tutorial

Well hello everyone! As you will know I have been away on holiday for the last couple of weeks but I am finally back! I'm so exciting to be back and get back into my crafting room!

I already had this post pre-planned for today and I'm pretty excited for this one. My sister makes glitter glass, you can find her instagram account here, and she asked me if I could make a box for a friend of hers as she was gifting them one of her glasses. Tell her I sent you!

I love the box I think it's so beautiful and it would be perfect a number of gifts.

For size reference it's perfect for a 340ml wine glass. Her glasses look so cute in these boxes and I can't wait to make some more for her! They would even be ideal if you were gifting someone a mini bottle of wine. That would be amazing!

There are quite a few steps to making this box and some of the measurements aren't the usual measurements I would like to work with but I found that it makes the lid fit perfectly! If you have any questions please be sure to let me know!

If you want to find out how to make this box then just keep reading.

Friday, September 11, 2015

All About Inspiration and Motivation! - Fridays With Danielle

Hello everyone!!

I wanted to do a slightly chatty post this evening as in the last few weeks I have felt this sudden inspiration and motivation to be really creative and productive with my crafting. When I first discovered the planning and scrapbooking world I have to admit I was slightly overwhelmed. I really wanted to be a part of it so I just dipped my toe in by getting my first planner.

Since getting my Erin Condren Life Planner I discovered a complete world filled with a huge amount of different planners, scrapbooking elements, journalling and so many more things. I was so in love with each and everything I saw but I didn't feel I could find my own style. There are so many amazing planner girls out there on youtube, Instagram and other platforms I just felt I didn't even know where to begin.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Self Closing Box - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone.

Now I realise it's not Sunday and this is something I would normally put up then but as I am currently still on holiday all post that go up until next Sunday are pre-planned. Me and Danielle are planning some exciting things in September!

If you have been reading my blog a while you will have seen a number of different kinds of boxes I show you how to make and when I saw someone make this on Youtube I just couldn't resit. There are so many different kinds of closures you can do on boxes but this box is different. It actually stays shut  all on it's own and you simply squeeze in the sides to open!

I have created mine pretty plain and simple but for me, the shape of the box is very appealing so I didn't want to add much to it. It's perfect though so a small gift for your friends or family. Little bits of chocolate or some lovely jewellery.

The box is fairly easy to make but it does require some precision! If you want to find out how you can create your own then just keep reading!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Wedding Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone. I am currently away on holiday at the moment but I still wanted to make sure I could get some posts up!

I have done a few wedding related posts in the past, in fact my most popular post is a wedding favour box tutorial!

I was playing around with a few ideas for some cards and found a really cute way of doing a wedding card. I feel this is perfect for a wedding and you could co-ordinate with the big day's colours!

I just love how the hearts on the card represent the bride and room and then every else is just so simple. Sometimes simple really is best!

There are very few steps to this card and it's so easy to make! If you want to find out how you can achieve this card then just reading.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Favourite Crafting Storage Solutions - Fridays With Danielle

Hello everyone!

Hope you have all had a fabulous week and are ready for the weekend. 

In todays post I wanted to show you a few storage solution, and one travelling solution I have come up since I begun crafting. If you are a fellow crafter, even a beginner, you may know the stuggle of having millions of different washi tapes, stamps, paper etc. Storing them can you a complete nightmare as you want to use everything you own!

I feel have a come up with a few different solutions which have made a huge difference for me.

The first thing I did was purchase a plastic cutlery tray from Ikea. You can buy these from a variety of different shops and they are usually really inexpensive! I use this to store my washi tape as I can easily get use out of all them now because I can see them. Its the perfect size and at the moment there is also room for quite a few other essentials! 

Do you ever such sit and stare at your washi? I love mine.

The next solution isn't exactly a genius idea but one that I am pretty happy with. Susan was playing around with ideas and made a hexagon box with a lid. What she didn't realise is that she had actually made the perfect pen holder. The shape of the box allows the pens to spread more, this means I can easily find the pen I am looking for!

The lid is also ideal for storing little bits and pieces. Would you like a tutorial on it?

I had some of these boxes from Ikea - here - that came in three different sizes and never really found functional uses for them. Until now! The smallest of the three sizes is perfect for storing store bought stickers. I also put some loose journalling cards and sticky tapes at the front. 

Finally I just wanted to mention a quick travelling solution I use as I regularly go backwards and forwards with me supplies. I love using die cuts to embelish my projects - like the travellers notebooks I like to make. Travelling with them however are difficult as once they are open from the pack they go everywhere! I just use a clear small makeup bag that I got my local highstreet/drugstore.

So there you have it! Hopefully one of you will get some ideas from this on what could help you. What your favourite crafting storage solution?

Thanks so much for checking out my post!

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If you would like to purchase the EC planner or anything on the Erin Condren website you can click the link below where you can receive a $10 off coupon code.

Disclaimer: If you use the link above, sign up and make a purchase I will receive a $10 coupon to spend online at Erin Condren. I completely understand if you prefer not to use this link. You can just go on the website itself and sign up then receive your $10 coupon without having to use my link!

Danielle <3

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Planner Update - Thursday With Danielle?!

Hi everyone!

I am terribly sorry about not posting last week but I was extremely ill! 

I wanted to put up an extra quick post though to make up for it.

One of my favourite things to do is watch planner videos on youtube - plan with me, planner updates, sticker hauls - you name it! I thought it would be fun to do a planner update myself and show you how my spreads have been looking since I changed up my self style drastically in August.

If you want to see my original review then check out this post here and past spreads then check out this post here.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Quick Tip! - Crafting Made Easy

Hi everyone!

I have been wanting to do this post for a while now as I have discovered a tip which to me has been life changing when it comes to doing my crafting! Even if I didn't actually notice completely what I had done.

If you have been following my blog for a while now you will know that I love making different types of boxes and cards. As much as I love making them I don't remember all measurements and things I need to do to put them together off the top of my head. I have tried multiple different methods of keeping note of this information and trying to store it in a way I can easily access it but I found myself searching through endless pieces of paper to find the one I wanted.