Friday, September 11, 2015

All About Inspiration and Motivation! - Fridays With Danielle

Hello everyone!!

I wanted to do a slightly chatty post this evening as in the last few weeks I have felt this sudden inspiration and motivation to be really creative and productive with my crafting. When I first discovered the planning and scrapbooking world I have to admit I was slightly overwhelmed. I really wanted to be a part of it so I just dipped my toe in by getting my first planner.

Since getting my Erin Condren Life Planner I discovered a complete world filled with a huge amount of different planners, scrapbooking elements, journalling and so many more things. I was so in love with each and everything I saw but I didn't feel I could find my own style. There are so many amazing planner girls out there on youtube, Instagram and other platforms I just felt I didn't even know where to begin.

In the last month as my knowledge has grown and I have watched - or more so stalked - some of these amazing planner girls I suddenly feel like I have found myself. As most of you will know if you have been reading this blog for a while that my mum, Susan, is currently away (back tomorrow YAY!!) so I have been staying at her house. I have found myself spending pretty much every evening since she has been away locked in her craft room working on some projects of my own. I have completely let my creative juices flowing and I have to say I never felt I have enjoyed doing something so much. My mind is constantly thinking about new and fun ideas of what I want to do and I just let myself go. Now I am by no means an artists, I can barely draw a stick man, but I have been completely in love with my work. I have learnt that it doesn't matter what anyone else think but me, people will have different styles and opinions but thats completely okay.

I really wanted to make this post in the hope that maybe someone will get inspired to give something that want to do a try. Maybe you feel slightly overwhelmed with your hobby or you don't feel you love your work. My point is that everyone, even the people you see that have the most confidence, probably felt like at some point. Everyone has to start somewhere!

I wanted to give a special mention to the person who has been my biggest inspiration ever. Susan, my wonderful Mum! Growing up she wasn't someone who had a huge amount of confidence in things she did. Over the last year or so I have watched her massively evolve in so many areas of her life. She has worked so hard on everything Sukilu Crafts and her confidence has grown so much. She has also been a massive encouragement for me to do the things I love. Even to the point where she bought me my planner to help me get started!

I encourage you all to get on youtube, instagram, twitter and Facebook. Create an account and just find someone who totally inspires you to do what you love. Someone else has given me a push in the right direction is Cori from The Reset Girl (you can find her on youtube and instagram as The Reset Girl). I have never had a conversation with her in my life but just watching her on youtube and hearing you amazing attitude and her words or encouragement really get my motivated. I have watched every single one of her youtube videos on her channel many times, I always have one on when I'm working, and she gets my inspired everytime!

Also take a look some online shops or walk into your local crafting store. Sometimes seeing things might spark your mind to try something new and fun!

I apologise for this chatty post but as a newbie I still feel I'm learning and I really wanted to . I never really had hobbies and I love that I not only have one now but I can share this with my friends and family. And all you guys who take time out your days to read this blog. I really can't wait to be able to give back to you all and continue to connect.

I would love to know who or what inspires you? What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?

Thank you so much for taking your time to read this all. Well done if you managed to get through it all without yawning!!

I have some exciting projects planned for my upcoming posts.

TwitterInstagramTumblrFacebook and Pinterest <----- Check out Sukilu Crafts here.

If you would like to purchase the EC planner or anything on the Erin Condren website you can click the link below where you can receive a $10 off coupon code.

Disclaimer: If you use the link above, sign up and make a purchase I will receive a $10 coupon to spend online at Erin Condren. I completely understand if you prefer not to use this link. You can just go on the website itself and sign up then receive your $10 coupon without having to use my link!

Danielle <3

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