Wednesday, December 9, 2015

DIY Decorative Reef - #24DaysOfBlogmas Day 21

Hey everyone and welcome to post 21 of #blogmas!

I wanted to do a real short one today showing you how you can quickly make your own reef!

I saw a circle of woven wood in a market for such a small price and was completely inspired to make my own reef.

It's so easy to do and you only need a few materials to make it.

If you want to find out how to make your own then just keep reading.


This is the piece that I purchased from a local market. As you can see it's very plain and begging for some decoration!

1)  To begin take a small string of lights - I purchased mine from Ikea but you can also purchase them from Tiger. Wrap your light around your wood and secure the switch part with some ribbon, string or wire. I actually used wire straws you would normally get in childrens craft projects. Make sure it's tightly secured and you can still get to the switch. Try and through the first part of the lights through a gap so you don't have to use any adhesive to secure it! Use a piece of thick ribbon to tie around the bottom of your reef to hid the light switch

2) Take fake flowers, holly and acorns with plastic stems and trim off the majority of the stem. You want to have at least 1/2" - 1". Start playing around with where you want each flower and everything else to go before you make an decisions. Depending on how thick the stems are you may be able to simply push them into the gaps in the wood and they will stay there. I had to use a hot glue gun to secure mine. If you do end using an adhesive avoid getting it on the lights!

3) Once I had put my mine decor on my reef I cut off some fake leaves and berries and placed them in the smaller areas to fill it a bit more!

Hand on your door, turn on the lights and you will be amazed on how it looks!

I also decorated this tree-esque reef. I used the same method but didn't even have to use a hot glue gun. I added some cotton wool to act as faux snow

I never really liked this reef until I added my own elements to it!

Rather than spending more money on a reef that may not even be perfect for you why not buy something inexpensive and plain. You can turn in into exactly what you want!

I really hope you enjoyed this post. I can't believe #blogmas is already nearly over.

Let me know in the comments what's been your favourite! Don't forget to check out previous ones if you've only just joined.

Be sure to follow us on all social media platforms so you don't miss the giveaway coming up at the weekend!

Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss anything! Check back tomorrow at the same time to see more christmas fun!

Happy crafting! & Blogmas!!

Susan x

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