Sunday, November 22, 2015

Christmas Shaker Card - #24DaysOfBlogmas Day #4

Hey! Welcome to yet another #Blogmas post. I have been loving doing there the last few days and can't wait to continue up until post #24.

Let me know how you've been enjoying them lately!

In todays post I want to show you how to make a Christmas shaker card. I showed a shaker card a few posts back and I will be using the same method to make this one. Stay tuned though because I will show you the other method.

I think shaker cards are perfect for christmas as you can use the shaker part to create a snow scene. Again this card is perfect for pretty much all ages and it will make a wonderful piece to someones card collection! 

If you want to find out how to make to this card then just keep reading!


1) You will need to start off by cutting a few pieces of cardstock and fun foam. Your card base (mine was white) needs to be 4 1/4" x 11" scored at 5 1/2" to create a top folding card. You will need a piece the same colour cut to 5 1/8" x 3 7/8" and one piece a different colour but the exact same size. Finally cut two pieces of fun foam to 5" x 3 6/8"

2) Take the piece of cardstock the same colour as your card base and stamp a picture one that could have a window to it like a snow globe. Using a circle die cut out the inside of the snow globe. If you don't have a snow globe stamp you could simply cut out a circle 

3) Use this piece as a guide to cut out your circle in the two pieces of foam. Be sure not to put through your big shot too many times as it can stretch out your foam

4) Take your final piece of card stock (the one that is the same size as your piece you have stamped one) and line them up. Roughly trace out the circle. Stamp your scene inside the circle. You can go outside the edge of the circle a bit. I stamped a snow man then went over certain parts with a white gel pen, I also stamped some stars/snow flakes and finally dabbed some white ink at the bottom

5) Before you put together your card you will need to cut a piece of acetate slightly bigger than your window. Then to put together your card you first want to stick your 'scene' picture onto your cardbase. Then stick your fun foam pieces over that. Add your gems inside. And finally stick your acetate on the underside of your top piece and attach that on top!

Give your card a shake and watch it 'snow'! 

I hope you enjoyed this shaker card. I also added some extra stamps on the front piece but you could do as little or as much as you would like. 

As I said in my last shaker card tutorial these are so fun and you could really experiment with how you make theses.

Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss anything! Check back tomorrow at the same time to see more christmas fun!

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Happy crafting! & Blogmas!!

Susan x

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