Thursday, November 19, 2015

DIY Christmas Cracker - #24DaysOfBlogmas Day 1

Hey everyone! Welcome to an exciting time here on Sukilu Crafts.

Me and Danielle really wanted to do something special for christmas and we come up with the idea to do Blogmas (a take on Vlogmas). In the next 24 days you will get a post from us every single day. They will all be christmas related! There may even be a special giveaway at the end.

To kick of Blogmas I will show you how you can make your own christmas cracker! The beauty of making your own christmas crackers is that you can fill it with whatever goodie you like. Also a lot of christmas crackers make a loud noise when you pull them - not these ones!

You can also customise the colours of your crackers to match your decor! They are pretty easy to make but one tool you need to make it work better is a paper cutter with a perforated blade. This will just create small slits in your card stock to allow it to rip smoothly. You can achieve this in another way which I will explain to you later in the post.

If you want to find out how to make your own christmas cracker then just keep reading.


1) The first thing you will need to a piece of card stock cut to 8" x 5 1/2". If you are using plain card stock you can add some stamps as I have done. This is optional though as you can add embellishments when you are finished

2) You will then need to perforate 2" from each side on the short sides. If you dont have a perforating blade you can achieve a similar effect with a ruler and a thin paper piecer. It is a lot more time consuming as you have to slow doing it. You need to do the wholes as close together as possible but so they don't touch

3) Score on the long side at 1 1/2", 2 1/2", 5 1/2" and 6 1/2". Then score on the short side at 1 1/2", 3" and 4 1/2". When folding your score lines fold your perforated lines towards you as oppose to away from you. It should look something like the picture below

4) You will need to create punches in your perforated lines to help it to rip better. Fold the three scorelines and punch then on one side just punch right on the edge. The other long side should remain completely straight

5) Place some sticky strip right on the edges of your straight edge (on the underside) and fold to put together 

As you can see the seam doesn't go straight to the edge. This make a perfect triangle

6) Finally add some ribbon to your perforated lines and any other embellishments you want. Perhaps you could add some names to it or a sentiment

A little sneak peak of what else is to come during Blogmas!

I really hope you enjoyed this post! I am more excited than ever for christmas this year as I can really personalise everything and make it unique. I have two of my grandchildren over and they will love all of this. 

You could also make this a fun family activity with your children or grandchildren. They can help you choose the colours or even make them. The fact I can fill mine with whatever I want makes it so much better!

Let me know if will be giving this ago and tag me in pictures on instagram! 

Are you excited for the next 23 days of Blogmas!! Is there something you really want to see us do? Let us know in the comments down below!

Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss anything! Check back tomorrow at the same time to see more christmas fun!

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Happy crafting! & Blogmas!!

Susan x

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