Sunday, November 29, 2015

Hanging Snowflake Decoration - #24DaysOfBlogmas Day 11

Hey and welcome to day 11 of #blogmas!

I wanted to show you a decoration in todays tutorial which can be used in many different ways.

If you've been following all the blogmas posts you will know my theme this year for christmas is gold and red. 

I wanted to create a piece of decoration that was fun, had glitter but still looks very neat and subtle.

I created these suspended snowflakes in circles of ribbon which as you can see in the above picture I put all together and stuck them to a wall. This is just one of the many ways you could use this and I will tell you the rest at the end of this post so be sure to continue reading.

Lets get started!


1) To begin you will need to create some circle frames. I took a circle die and two sizes down and cut out a frame. I then took the smaller of the two for the outside of my next circle and again went two sizes down. I continued on until I had three circles. You will also need to cut out some snowflakes or any other shapes you would like to use. I cut two of each from some glitter card stock. You will also need thin thread and ribbon. 

2) Snip a small line on the outside of the circle frame and another directly opposite. You may need to use a cutting matt or t-sqaure ruler for this. Use these notches to wrap your thin thread around the circle to create a line straight down the centre. I wrapped my thread three times around one side then went down and wrapped three times around the other. It will look neater only having one piece of thread down the centre. Use glue dots to adhere. Then take a piece of ribbon and stick the end to the glue dot. Wrap around your frame making sure to overlap with each turn. It works a lot better if you wrap at an angle. Continue this on all three circle. You could use different colours for all of them or alternate as I did. Using the same colour would look just as nice also

3) Taking the two shapes, that are the same, glue them together directly in the centre of each circle with the thread going in the middle of them. Getting them as central as possible will help to them spin smoothly

4) Using the same thread stich together the biggest and middle size then the middle size and smallest. Consider how much of a spacing you want between each before you sow

5) You could leave them like that and hang to decorate or you could as a bow to each. 

There you have it. I feel they are slightly more easier to do then they sound.

Other way you could use them is hanging from the ceiling allowing them to spin freely. Or you could use them individually and add them to your tree. Alternatively you could again use them individually and place them around your dining room or living room, even your window.

I'm sure there are a few more ways to use them! Once you have made one of these you will want to continue doing it. They were quite relaxing to do.

I really hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any questions be sure to comment down below.

Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss anything! Check back tomorrow at the same time to see more christmas fun!

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Happy crafting! & Blogmas!!

Susan x

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