Saturday, June 18, 2016

I have a YouTube Channel!

Hey everyone!

So you may have noticed I haven't posted anything for a while here on my blog. I have mentioned a few times that I have been planning on starting something new in conjunction with my blog and that was a YouTube channel. I have been working so hard the last few weeks getting a nice set up and everything else that comes with it to be sure I create some fun content for you!

I will be back to my normal blogging schedule very soon once I have got everything sorted and can catch up on my blog.

I would love it if you subscribed to my channel and gave me some feedback on my videos so far. I have just uploaded my second one!

Click here to check out my channel:

My first video:

My second video:

I hope this gives me to opportunity to give you more fun ideas and projects to do and also expand my own crafting abilities.

Be sure to follow me on social media I try to update you as much as possible!

My social media accounts -----> TwitterInstagramTumblrFacebook and Pinterest.

Happy crafting! 

Susan x

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