Wednesday, June 3, 2015

How To Make Your Plain Flat Flowers Look Metallic!

Hi everyone!

A few weeks ago I did a post about how to make your own spritzing inks - see post here. I have found so many use for these so today I thought I would show one way that I love.

I found some paper flowers in one of my local crafting suppliers and never really found a use for them as I felt there were some what plain. I decided to use my homemade spritzing inks to make them look metallic and adapt them to look exactly how I wanted.

When I wrote the post about how to make the spritzing inks I mentioned about the smell you get from using surgical spirit. I found the smell had deteriated a significant amount when I used it to make these flowers!

I think these look absolutely beautiful and you can use them for so many things! I actually made some for a bag I did which will be coming in a post in a few weeks. Heres a sneak peak.

You can experiment so much with different colours and also different shapes. You don't have to just to flowers, you can make some lovely red metallic hearts! They are so easy to make and you don't need much to make them.

I love how they have this beautiful sheen to them as oppose to looking glittery. The camera flash picked this up amazingly.

Lets get started!!

What you will need:
- Paper flowers - you can find these in most crafting shops like Hobbycraft or The Range
- Homemade spritzing inks see tutorial here
- Artist palette or a small bowl
- Tweezers
- Paper towel
- Brads - again you purchase these from your local crafting shops


1) The first thing you will need to do is decide what two flowers you want to put together and what colour you would like to make them. I chose to put the same kind of flowers together and spray them in the same colour family - not necessarily the same colour though. There is an execption where I coloured one white flower yellow and one pink. 
The two pink flowers in the first picture I chose to use a purple spritzing ink, the yellow and white flowers in the fourth picture I used a gold and finally the pink and white flower in the fifth picture I used a pink ink.
Spritz your chosen colour in the centre of the palette or in a small bowl and dip you flower in the ink. You will need to use the tweezers to turn over the flower and make sure it is fully saturated.

2) The next thing you will need to do is place your flowers on a paper towel to dry. This shouldn't take too long at all.

3) The final thing I did to my flowers is optional but I decided to dip the edges of the petals into a different colour ink than what I had intially coloured them. I feel like add more dimension to the flowers and added more colour. I love how they turned out and I would highly recommend doing this. Just use to tweezers to turn the flower as you dip it into the ink. You can make it as subtle or as obvious as you would like!

There you have it. Such a quick and simple method can transfer flat looking flowers into these beautiful eye-catching gems! As I said there are so many uses for these and you can really experiment with what you want them to look like. 

You can use them to add a pop of colour or brightness to your projects and they are perfect for that as they don't look too over the top. I find sometimes when I'm looking at projects and I feel like they lacking something I throw on something as small as these and it makes the project!

I have so many different tutorials and tips coming up in the next few months that are so different to what I would normally do. I absolutely love doing this blog as I really feel like it has pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to try new things. I've also connected with so many other crafters and to say I have been inspired is an understatement. 

I really hope you enjoyed this quick post, please let me know if you have requests for the future.

Don't forget if you re-make this tag me on twitter or instagram or you can use the hashtag #sukilucrafts.

Follow me on TwitterInstagramTumblrFacebook and Pinterest if you aren't already.

Happy crafting!

Susan x

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