Friday, August 21, 2015

How I Use My Happy Planner & Overview - Fridays With Danielle

Hi guys!

So a last week I posted a haul from an online shop I had recently made some purchases and the one of things featured was the Me and My Big Ideas Happy Planner. Check out my haul here.

I've seen this planner so much on social media sites and was interested by it, particularly the way its bound, but it seemed to be impossible to purchase it without having to pay a load in shipping fees.

I couldn't believe it when I found it on Hey Little Magpie for only £24.99!

The reason I bought this wasn't for the reason most people get it. If you read my previous posts you will know I have an Erin Condren Life Planner which I use for everyday planning and I love it. It's already so full with personal things and also Sukilu Crafts related things I couldn't seem to find the room to record anything fitness related.

I'm on a bit of a mission at the moment to get myself healthy and in shape and I wanted a way to record my progress, plan out my workouts and just generally keep me motivated. After seeing the layout of this planner on youtube I thought it would be perfect and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get it! 

In this post I wanted to explain exactly how I'm turning this into my fitness planner and also a little overall review on how I feel about this planner as a whole!

The first thing I wanted to mention is this a disc bound planner. I was very confused when I first saw this kind of binding but it's just the pages are punched a certain way to stay attached to the discs. The one amazing thing about this is you can easily removed the pages you want to work on and also add in some of your own!
In terms of how I think it will hold up though if you were to travel with I couldn't say I would have 100% confidence that I could throw it in my bag without having to worry. This isn't a planner I will be travelling around with though so for me this isn't an issue.

The hearts in each disc are so cute. And the fact they are gold is just an added bonus!

Each month has a very nice divider with either a pattern or a pattern and a quote. I love these and will definitely find a way to use them all once I am finished with this planner!

Before each month you have a page where you can write any special dates/events, important to-dos and goals. I think this is really nice and I can definitely utilise most of the page for my fitness mission.

I can record my goals for that month and I also plan on writing how I feel the previous month went. 

You have your month at a glance. I'm not exactly sure how I will use this part so if you have an ideas be sure to let me know!

As you can see below the week on two pages basically the same layout as the Erin Condren life planner. The boxes are slightly taller and there is a lot less colour on the page which I kind of like.

At the end of the planner you have a notes page too. You can buy additional notes pages and easily add them in or punch some of your own using an arc punch. I have even seen people adding things into this planner using a regular hole punch!

So now to how I use the main part of the planner - the week on two pages. I feel like I've come up with an easy system that will keep my going and hopefully keep my on track!

First of all there is a small section on the left for notes. The first thing I will do is write a small recap for last week. I want this to be a positive thing so to keep my motivated. Then I can write my goals for that week. This is the part where I can make an improvements needed based on last week if I need to!

The planner has a vertical setting split into three sections 'morning, day and night'. The way I will be doing is Progress, Workouts and Meal Plan.

The bottom two rows will always remain the same. Along the bottom I will keep track of what I'm eating and try to plan ahead as much as possible. This should also come in handy when it comes to our weekly food shops.

The middle row is where I will plan all my works. I also want to put little reminders to myself here and there to keep my active - going out on walks, not sitting down for long - things like that. I feel this will help me not have any excuses to not workout. Planning ahead means I can fit in into my day no matter what!

The only things that changes on a daily basis is my top row. Every monday and friday I plan on weighing myself. I understand there is a bit of a debate on whether you should even go by the scales but I need to lose fat before I can even begin to think about muscle. I will not be solely relying on what the scales say but I feel it's another way to keep my motivated.
Because of this I will easy be measuring particular parts of my body - wait, hips, thighs etc - on a wednesday and sunday. This again is something else that I feel will keep my motivated!
I have a rough goal of what I want to weigh so I have an idea of how much weight I would like to use. On a tuesday and saturday I will write, in big letter, how much weight I have left to use. I want to watch them number go down as I feel this will really help me to keep going! 
Finally on a thursday I will jot down how I think I'm going for that week and make of note of anything I feel went wrong.

Here a little recap of the top row incase that is very confusing!
Monday - record weight, loss and total loss
Tuesday - record how much I have to lose
Wednesday - record measurements
Thursday - recap for the week, any areas to improve
Friday - record weight, loss and total loss
Saturday -record how much I have to lose
Sunday - record measurements

I already feel very confident about using the planner for this purpose. Already lost 1.5 pounds since monday! I found a way that worked for me but there are many ways I experimented with before I chose this. If you are thinking about getting a planner to use for fitness or something very specific I feel you could very easily do that with this planner.

Overall I'm happy. I think it's well worth £25 and I would recommend it to anyone thinking about buying it. 

For the moment I am just using pen but I do eventually want to make some stickers for it as I make my own for my Erin Condren! 

Do you have a favourite planner or use more than one at the same time? After watching Cori, The Reset Girl, I am really wanted to purchase an Inkwell Press Planner to do some journalling! The addiction is real!!

Thanks so much for checking out my post!

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If you would like to purchase the EC planner or anything on the Erin Condren website you can click the link below where you can receive a $10 off coupon code.

Disclaimer: If you use the link above, sign up and make a purchase I will receive a $10 coupon to spend online at Erin Condren. I completely understand if you prefer not to use this link. You can just go on the website itself and sign up then receive your $10 coupon without having to use my link!

Danielle <3

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