Wednesday, October 26, 2016

NEW Video On My YouTube Channel | Sukilu Crafts

Hi everyone!

So I've posted a new video on my YouTube channel showing you how I made this gorgeous card box. It's super easy to make and is such a nice gift for a loved one.

This is video also follows on from one of my previous videos where I made the card to fit nicely inside.

I really would love it if you could check out my video and if you like it give it a thumbs up and subscribe.

Let me know what else you'd like to see on the blog.

Our social media accounts -----> TwitterInstagramTumblrFacebook and Pinterest.

Happy crafting! 

Susan x

Saturday, June 18, 2016

I have a YouTube Channel!

Hey everyone!

So you may have noticed I haven't posted anything for a while here on my blog. I have mentioned a few times that I have been planning on starting something new in conjunction with my blog and that was a YouTube channel. I have been working so hard the last few weeks getting a nice set up and everything else that comes with it to be sure I create some fun content for you!

I will be back to my normal blogging schedule very soon once I have got everything sorted and can catch up on my blog.

I would love it if you subscribed to my channel and gave me some feedback on my videos so far. I have just uploaded my second one!

Click here to check out my channel:

My first video:

My second video:

I hope this gives me to opportunity to give you more fun ideas and projects to do and also expand my own crafting abilities.

Be sure to follow me on social media I try to update you as much as possible!

My social media accounts -----> TwitterInstagramTumblrFacebook and Pinterest.

Happy crafting! 

Susan x

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Beer Bottle Box - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone!

Welcome to another step by step tutorial.

I wanted to create a nice bag for a beer bottle as I was giving to someone at my work for his birthday! I couldn't find anything that fit nicely that I had already made and nothing online!

I actually worked out all these measurements myself and I love how snug the bottle fits. It was quite easy to make once I had worked out the measurements. This should fit most standard shape/size beers. It may just need adjusting slightly for bigger ones.

If you want me to do a post about how I work out the measurements for this and other gifts then let me know in the comments section!

Just keep reading to find out how to make this bag.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

3D DSP Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome to another post!

Today I have another step by step tutorial on this card. I seem to be making a lot simple cards lately and I have been having so much fun trying different techniques to give them something extra.

This is so simple to make. You just need some square dies and dimensionals. You could just cut out square shapes if you don't have dies or a big shot.

If you want to find out how you can make this then please just keep reading.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Fancy Fold Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone!

So I was recently looking through some of my crafting magazines and I came across a picture of a card with a style I hadn't seen before. I really wanted to re-create it in my own way and in today's post I will be showing you exactly what I made! 

I love how this card turned out and I used some of my favourite paper. 

It's so easy to make it, you don't have to use as many layers as I have. I will be giving a lot of measurements in this post so it may just be worth jotting them all down! I love giving people cards that are unusually shaped as they look so much more interesting sometimes.

If you want to find out how you can make your own then just keep reading.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Box For Patterned DSP Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome to another post!

So my last one was showing you how you can create some very cute cards which are ideal for any occasion. I explained how you can get away without putting any embellishments on the front of the card so then you could fill out the inside for any celebration!

Another fun thing you can do with these card is make a bunch, pop them in a box and gift them to someone who loves all things handmade! They can then use them however they like. I have quite a few friends and family who frequently ask me to make cards for them and this is exactly what I do for them so they can use them to their liking. 

In todays post I will show you how you can create the box to fit the cards I did in my last post. It's so quick and easy and I use the same colour scheme to everything would match.

Check out how to make the cards for this box here.

If you want to find out how to make the box then please keep reading.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Patterned DSP Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog!

In todays post I wanted to show you how you can create a very simple card simply using DSP to make a pattern. What I love about this card is that the design alone is enough so you can get away with not putting a sentiment on the front. This means you can fill out the inside and use it for pretty much any occasion. 

Once you have the technique to do this you could make up so many different ones in no time! You can mix designs from different collections to get very cool patterns. I love how the brown pops in some of the ones I made.

If you want to find out how you can make your own then please keep reading.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Tripple Stamping Technique - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone and welcome back to another post!

I wanted to share with you a technique today on how you can create a really fun effect just by the way you stamp on piece of card.

It add a sort of 3D effect to your card and its so quick and easy to do! You could play around with different positions of each layer and use different shapes! I have made so many of these cards and always used a two colour scheme and I love it. You could use more than two colours if you wanted as well!

If you want to find out how you can do this technique then just keep reading.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Handbag Gift Bag - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! So today's post is going to be another step by set tutorial - I did mention I was working on quite a few projects recently!

I thought it only fitting to do a purse gift bag as I have recently done a purse gift card holder.

I gave these to my two granddaughters who absolutely love them and have filmed them with some of their favourite toys.

They are very easy to make once you get the technique down and as you can see, you can create two very different style bags.

If you want to find out how you can make your own then just keep reading.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Purse Gift Card Holder - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome to another post! I'm so excited to share with you today step by step tutorial as I think its such a fun idea.

I have done quite a few gift card holder tutorials since I've started this blog but I think this one is by far my favourite

I looks like a mini purse and open up to reveal the gift to your receiver! It's perfect for giving that personal touch to your gifts and you could even design it to replicate their favourite purse or bag if you have the right paper!

It's so quick and easy to make once you get the steps down. If you want to find out how you can make your own then please keep reading.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Soft Pink Birthday Grandma Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome to another post!

I know I have been doing quite a few step by step tutorials the past couple of weeks but I have had so many ideas and seen so much inspiration! Also we there has been quite a few birthdays recently.

I wanted to do another quick one today showing you how you can make a beautiful happy birthday Grandma card. I thought this was very fitting as I have recently done a Grandad card.

The paper I used in this card is one of my favourite collections! My husband purchased it for me as a present and I have been holding off using it for so long as I love it so much.

If you want to find out how you can re-create this card then just keep reading.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Grandad Birthday Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone! I have another step-by-step tutorial today for you and I'm so excited for this one.

I feel like this card is perfect for those of you who have been doing simplistic cards for a while but want to try something with a bit more layers.

I saw this in a magazine and wanted to re-create my own version. I love looking in magazines for inspiration, taking bits of different cards and putting them together.

As I mentioned in my previous post I often find it difficult to begin creating more masculine cards but once I have finished them I'm generally pleased how they turn out.

This card is pretty easy to make but there is just quite a lot of pieces to it.

If you want to find out how you can make it then just keep reading.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Great Grandad Birthday Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome to another post!

I know I don't usually post step-by-step tutorials on Wednesday's but I feel like I haven't done any more masculine cards in so long so I wanted to share one with you today and another one on Sunday.

I still sometimes find it quite difficult to create masculine cards as most of my supplies are more typically feminine. 

I'm so happy with how this card turned out and it's so quick to do. If you want to find out how you can re-create this then just keep reading.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Picture Decoration Idea - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone and welcome to another post! Sorry it's a bit late!

I wanted to share with you a quick way you can create a picture to put inside a frame and use as decor.

This is so easy to do and you could make so many different colours and patterns using what you already have. If you have an unused frames then this is the tutorial for you!

If you want to find out how then just keep reading.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Frame Decorating Idea - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone and welcome to another quick post!

I wanted to share with you an idea on how you can spruce up your photo frames!

I love having photos of my family around the house but I find that the frames are too plain. This would work on many different shapes and sizes of frames and its so easy to do.

If you want to find out how you can do this then just keep reading.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Simple Birthday Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome to another step by step tutorial!

I wanted to show you how you can make this quick and easy card! This is the perfect card for younger children! The one with 'Ellie' is for my granddaughter for her seventh birthday.

I love the way everything isn't perfectly straight, it adds more to the card without you having to do too much.

If you want to find out how you can create your own then just keep reading.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Cute Card Holder in 10 Steps!

Hey everyone and welcome to another post!

I wanted to share with you how you can really quickly whip up this very cute card holder. I've seen quite a few variations of card holders but I really think this one is very cute!

If you have a friend who is a lover of cards or all things handmade then this would be perfect for them. You could make up one of these and pop in some handmade cards and envelopes that they could use. Obviously this holder can only carry certain size cards but you could adjust the size if you need to pop in something bigger!

If you want to find out how you can make your own then just keep reading.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hexagon Tiles Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome to another step by step tutorial.

In todays post I wanted to show you how you can create beautiful pattern on your card by just using one punch.

I got a hexagon punch a while ago but never got round to properly using it so I decided to create a card by using this for the most part. I love how the card turned out and as always you can adjust it however you would like.

I think this would be perfect for a wedding card!

If you want to find out how you can make it then just keep reading.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Glitter Background Technique - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome to another technique post!

This was actually supposed to go up on Sunday but I was away with family and had no internet connection/computer to put it up!

I wanted to share with you a very quick and easy technique of how you can add glitter to your cards/projects without having to emboss.

Another thing I love about this technique is the way you can add something in the centre very easily.

If you want to find out how you can do the technique then please keep reading.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

DIY Paper Bow - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone welcome to another DIY post.

I wanted to do a quick one today as my last one was very chatty! I've seen a few people do these on YouTube but you can actually make your own paper bow from DSP and it looks amazing. 

It's very quick and easy to do and you can create a bow to match any wrapping paper you would like.

If you want to find out how to make it then just keep reading.

Monday, March 28, 2016

In Depth Birthday Card For Beginners! - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome back to Sukilu Crafts! How was your Easter? I loved spending it with my family.

In todays post I wanted to share with you an in-depth tutorial on how you can make a simple birthday card. I will explain ways you can change it to suit different people or even different occasions! It's so simple to do so if you are just starting out with crafting or making your own cards then this is the tutorial for you!

As you can see it's definitely a simplistic card but it still has detail to it. This is very easy to create and it looks like you have spent ages on it when really it takes no time at all!

If you want to find out how you can create your own then just keep reading.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

DIY Easter Egg Basket #3!! - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone and welcome back to another easter post!

I wanted to share with you another idea for a DIY easter basket. They remind me of picnic baskets so they would be perfect for an outdoors easter hunt. 

You could very easily adjust the size to make it slightly bigger if you wanted. If you have an trouble with that and would like a certain size then please leave a comment down below and I'd be happy to help anyway I can!

I wanted to keep the decoration minimal on this one as I felt the design of it alone was very nice but you could always add your own embellishment. All you need is some card stock, DSP and adhesive and you have everything you need.

If you want to find out how you can make your own then just keep reading.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Easter Gift Box With Window - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome to another easter post!

Today I wanted to share with you how you can make a small box to fill with some mini eggs! 

These are perfect if you are in a rush or if you wanted to make some easter gifts for a lot of people. I love having the window so your recipient can take a peak at their goodies.

You only need very few supplies and you can make look so different just buy using different colours.

Let's jump straight in so if you want to find out how to create this box just keep reading.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

DIY Easter Egg Basket #2 - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone!

So in Sundays post I showed you how you can create your own easter basket. It's perfect for children so I thought it would be fun to show another way you can create your own easter basket which is perfect for slightly older children. Even adults would appreciate it.

I saw a picture of this a while ago and have been eager to re-create it but I was waiting for the perfect occasion. This is now the perfect occasion!

It's super simple to make and with 99% of things I have shown you on my blog you can change things to suit your liking and embellish as much or as little as you would like.

If you want to find out how to make it then just keep reading.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

DIY Easter Egg Basket - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone and welcome to my second easter post!

I am so excited to share with you todays DIY. 

I made these cute little easter egg baskets that are perfect gifts for you children or grandchildren. I think it's adds more of a personal touch and is a bit of a change from giving them store bought easter eggs.

You can fill these with a variety of treats and even little teddies. They also make for a great easter decoration in your room/house.

They are so easy to make and you can decorate them however you like. You could also coordinate the colours with your recipients favourites.

If you want to find out how to make your own then just keep reading.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Easter Cakes For Kids - #BakingWithSukilu

Hey everyone and welcome to my first easter post!

I started this blog just under a year ago and I missed doing any sort of easter related posts so I'm really excited to be doing them this year.

I decided to do something with my granddaughters to show a fun activity with them which creates a tasty treat!

They are four and six and this was the perfect 'baking' activity to do with them as it didn't involve any baking! We made some yummy, chewy rice krispy cakes. 

If you want to find out how to make then just reading.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Faux Vase Decor - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone and Happy Mothers Day!!

I hope you have all had a lovely day, I can't believe it's Sunday already!

In todays post I thought I would quickly share with you a fun way of creating your own decor piece for an extremely love price. You will probably find you have everything you need in your house right now!

I transformed a glass water bottle into this faux vase and I love it! I made it for Danielle and I used colours to compliment her house and colour scheme and she loves it. 

It's the perfect DIY because you chose whatever colours you like and add as much or little embellishments as you would like!

All you need to do is simply take a glass bottle of any sort, you could even use a vase that you like the shape of. First of all paint your bottle with some white gesso primer. This will help the colours you put on come out more true to colour and opaque.

Then all you have to do is use some modge podge to attach your embellishments. You could card die cuts, stickers or even print your own designs off. 

Once you have finished coat the entire vase with modge podge to leave it with that beautiful sheen.

You could add some faux flowers inside to add a bit more colour. I added a faux metallic flower to mine to give a simple touch!

I really hope you enjoyed this post. I feel little DIY decor pieces here and there around your house can really add a personal touch.

On another note, me and my husband have been working very hard lately on my craft room, hence being very quiet on the social media front, and once that has finished I will be able to do so many more fun and exciting things! If you want to see the finished result please let me know down below.

Our social media accounts, follow us for updates, inspiration and more! -----> TwitterInstagramTumblrFacebook and Pinterest.

Happy crafting! 
Susan x

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Low Calorie Baked Doughnut Cake - #BakingWithSukilu

Hey everyone welcome to another baking post!

I have never really done a lower calorie desert before but I wanted to share with you one of my favourite treats to make when I'm feeling something sweet but I still want to be fairly good!

The are super easy to make and you could top them with whatever you want. You can even flavour them to make better suited to you and your friends/family.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Front Cut Out Birthday Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone! I can't believe it's Sunday already. I feel like this week has gone unbelievably quick.

I wanted to share with you a quick tutorial on this card I created. I wasn't sure what to call it but I think it makes for an interesting card. It's also great for beginners or if you're in a rush.

Normally when I make cards I have to stamp some form of sentiment on the front of the card and also on the inside. I love how with this card you just have the one stamp which covers you for the inside and outside yet the card still looks decorative.

It's so easy and simple to make and you can add whatever design you would like! If you want to find out how to make it then just keep reading.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Watercolour Embossing Technique!

Hey everyone!

Welcome to another technique post. I absolutely love doing these as it allows you to try so many new things and create exciting things!

In tonights post I will be showing you a very quick way of creating a watercolour-esque picture.

You could use this technique for making cards or even creating some beautiful pictures to go up on your wall!

If you want to find out how to do this then just keep reading.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cookie Cupcakes - #BakingWithSukilu

Hey everyone!

I wanted to do a quick and simple baking post for you today showing how you can make your very own cookie cupcakes!

I thought these would be a fun twist on your normal cookies and it means you can add your own topping and get real creative.

I added a caramel flavoured frosting on mine (you can find the recipe here, just add caramel sauce instead of vanilla extract to taste)

These are a fun desert to experiment with and are so quick and easy to make if you are in a rush!

If you want to find out how to make these then just keep reading.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Ombre Flower Card - Embossing Technique & Handmade Glitter Card

Hey everyone and welcome to another technique tutorial!

I saw a picture of a card in a magazine and was so inspired to re-create it. The way I made it I used a technique to get an ombre flower which would look beautiful on any card. You could also use this technique on a lot of different shapes.

It's so easy to achieve and you can easily control the insensity of it. I will also be showing you how you can create your own 'glitter cardstock' in this tutorial which I have been using a lot recently. I don't have a huge range of colours when it comes to glitter card but after finding a way to create my own I basically have every colour I can possibly think of! If you want to find out how to create this card then just keep reading.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Instagram Craft Giveaway!! - #SukiluCraftsGiveaway

Hey everyone!

This is probably are most exciting and it's-about-time post we have done so far. We mentioned a while back, during blogmas, that we planned on hosting a fun giveaway to say thanks for continuing to read our blog and all the positive feedback we receive.

We are finally ready to host out giveaway and are so excited for one of our lucky followers to win some fun prizes.

To enter this giveaway and be in the chance of winning it's very simple.

Just head on over to our Instagram page and follows the instructions on there. If you don't have an instagram account then you can create one if you wish then delete it after the giveaway ends. Check out our instagram here

The prizes will consist of some of our favourite things plus a few handmade goodies! It will be open internationally so be sure to check it out!

Thanks again for all your continued support and we are so excited for our first (of many) giveaways! 

Our social media accounts -----> TwitterInstagramTumblrFacebook and Pinterest.

Happy crafting! & good luck!!!
Susan & Danielle x

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls - #BakingWithSukilu

Hey everyone and welcome to another baking post!

In today's tutorial we will show you how you can make your own cinnamon rolls! I have been browsing the internet for another perfect recipe to share with you and this one stood out. They are perfect treat for you and your friends or family and they are easy to make.

You could replace the cinnamon with another flavouring if it's not to your fancy but I recommend you all try this. This one takes a bit longer than your standard cake but only for having to wait an hour at one point!

If you want to find out how to make your own then just keep reading.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Box For Homemade Chocolates - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone!

If you checked in last Wednesday to see what we posted you would've seen our chocolates tutorial. How many of you made some of your own? I have made so many batches since experimenting and I love it! It's so easy to do and so much fun. I have definitely been watching what else I've eaten though! If you missed the tutorial then you can find it here.

As these chocolates are perfect as a Valentines Day gift I thought it would be fun to share with you how you can make a cute little box to put them in.

This is ideal for your loved one or even if you just wanted to give them to a friends as a small gift! It's very simple to make so just keep reading to find out how.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Caramel Filled Chocolates - #BakingWithSukilu

Hey everyone and welcome to another baking post!

I absolutely love doing these kinds of post. I have always stuck to desert based foods but I am hoping to share with you some of my favourite breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes! I actually tend to eat healthy and some of the meals we have discovered I think you would all love!

In todays tutorial I wanted to share with you how you can create you own caramel filled chocolates. Now I will say that the way mine turned out I feel they actually taste like a butter fugde and I love it! Many of these have disappeared already today.

I ended up making two batches of these as I wanted to see what is easier and create a more appealing finish. Stay tuned to end of this post and I will share what changes I made with my second batch.

Don't they just look absolutely delicious!

If you want to find out how you can make your own then just keep reading!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Simplistic Happy Birthday Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone! I wanted to do another quick step by step tutorial on how you can make a very simplistic happy birthday card!

This card is perfect for a last minute job or if have limited suppliers. Any beginners out there who want to give it a go making there own cards this tutorial is definitely for you!

If you want to find out how to make this card then just keep reading.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Biscuit Chocolate Cake - #BakingWithSukilu

Hey everyone!

Welcome to another baking post! I love doing these kinds of posts, I've always stuck to deserts but stay tuned in the next month where you might see some other meal ideas!

I discovered a cooking YouTube channel that I have absolutely fallen in love with and I really wanted to recreate a cake I saw on there. Home Cooking Adventure is filled with yummy treats and other cooking tutorials which I highly recommend you check out! The garlic cheese bombs are something I really want to make for me and my husband! You can check out the channel here.

The cake I will be showing today is a delicious biscuit chocolate cake. It's so simple and easy to make but it's very different to anything I have ever seen before. The perfect cake to impress friends and family with. The fact it's packed full of biscuits helps it not be too sickly!

If you want to find out how you can make this cake then just keep reading.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Embossed Vallum Happy Birthday Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome to another step by step card tutorial! It feels like it's been forever since I have done one of these.

I love getting inspiration from magazines for new card ideas and I thought I would share one with you today. It's a very simple card to make and there are so many ways you could play around and change it.

I love the look of embossed vellum and layering different shapes together to get different looks. The card looks like it incorporates a lot of different items but it's actually fewer than it looks.

If you want to find out how to make this card then just keep reading.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

DIY Bookmark - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone and welcome back to another post! I am so excited to be back to blogging this year as me and Danielle have come up with so many fun ideas to say thanks to everyone to check in and reads our post! Stay tuned to find out what.

Today's post is a short tutorial to show you how you can easily create a cute and extremely functional bookmark. I did a diy bookmark tutorial a while ago but I actually think I prefer this style!

This bookmark has a magnetic closure which allows you to mark a page - or even multiple pages - and not worry about it slipping down or falling out. I usually have my book on my bedside table and I always tend to pick it up in a way that the pages all open and of course the bookmark comes out! I never remember what page I am and have to search through the book to see. This one is perfect as it's strong enough to keep in place even if your book opens.

Another great thing about this bookmark is that it's a cute way of using up some of your scraps!

If you want to find out how you can make your own then just keep reading!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Wine Bottle Sleeve - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone! I can't believe how long it's been since we put up a post here on the blog!

How was everyone's Christmas and New Year? I went by so fast for me and my family it feels like it never happened.

We wanted to take a sort break from putting posts so we could make the most of the whole family being together (my youngest daughter was back from University) and we had a lot of chats about where we want to take the blog this year. Lot's of exciting thing's planned. Also, if you have been following since before christmas we mentioned about a giveaway we have been planning to do. We still completely plan on doing the giveaway we are just finishing up a few bits for it. We have most of the products sitting in the craft room waiting to be boxed up but we wanted to add as much as we can to it! Make sure you stay tuned so you don't miss out.

So in today's post I wanted to share with you a cute way to wrap up a wine bottle to give to a friend or family as a gift! This could also work with non-alcoholic wine or any other bottle in a similar shape!

It's so easy to do and you can easily adjust the sizes if you need to.

If you want to find out how to make your own then just keep reading!