Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Top 10 Tips for Crafting Beginners!

Hi crafters!

Welcome back to another post. I wanted to do a similar style post as I did last wednesday as I feel this could be helpful to someone who wants to get into crafts!

Some of these may seem very obvious but I feel there are a few tips that I never knew when I first began. So if even if you are a beginner or a long-time crafter I hope you can take something from this post!

(Please note these aren't in any particular order)

  1.  First tip is that you should never permanately stick something down without playing with different ideas first. Sometimes you may initially have a design idea in your mind but once you actually see it, it doesn't work out how you first expected. I always wait until I have punched and/or stamped everything until I start putting my card together. There is nothing worse than sticking something down then you suddenly change your mind.
  2. My next tip is when you are in a shop or looking online at stamps don't be put off buying a certain stamp because there is something you don't like about it. I always look at stamps - no matter how big or small - in sections. Sometimes I may like the writing on it but not the pattern under it. Or I may want to use one word as oppose to the whole phrase. There are many ways you can do this, if you're certain you will never use that part of the stamp you could always cut the piece off you don't like. Alternately, you can use some washie tape on the part of the stamp you don't like. Once you have inked the stamp, removed the washie tape and when you stamp it on your card or paper, the part you covered with washie tape won't show.
  3. My next tip I feel has not only helped me out, but possibly saved me a few pennies! I have a big box on my craft desk and whenever I'm working on a new project I put my scrap bits in the box. Then everytime I'm making something I check my scrap box for any small pieces I could use. It saves you wasting a whole piece of paper and sometimes I even find new things I can use!
  4. When I first began crafting there was a small part of me that felt almost nervous showing people what I had made. I was worried people would dislike my work or tell me that I had done it wrong. Very quickly I realised a few things, people have different taste and also everytime I did something, I looked at it as a practise. I looked at each piece of my work and thought about how it could be improved. I never let it get my down! If anything this allowed my to broaden my mind and try different things. I'm very happy with my projects now and I never let myself get upset if something doesn't go right. I will actually have a tutorial this sunday where I will show you a project gone wrong and how I fixed it. Stay tuned.
  5. This is a quick tip but one I feel will just help you not get so overwhelmed. Try to be organised! This doesn't necessarily mean tidy because let's be honest, us crafters can make a mess! It just helps to keep stamps in one place, punches in one places etc
  6. This is a tip I never knew and actually come across by chance. I always felt I had to shop in crafting shops to get all my supplies. I was completely wrong. I have actually made many purchases in my local supermarkets and charity shops. Next time you walk past one, just take a peek in, you never know what you might find.
  7. I would also highly recommend using the internet if you find yourself lacking inspiration. The internet is an amazing place and I have found so many wonderful things from it. You can get design ideas, tips and there are loads of fantastic tutorials on youtube! 
  8. If you are making a gift or something for someone, try not to leave it last minute, give yourself enough time. The last thing you want to be doing is stressing out and rushing your project. Not only that but sometimes you need to leave things to dry. I would say a week in advance in a good amount of time. That way if you need to go out and purchase something for it you have more than enough time.
  9. I always have a scrap piece of white paper near me. One method I love to do is sponging around the edges of different things. I absolutely love the effect it gives and it's so subtle. Having a piece of paper with me at all times means I can dab the excess ink off my sponge to avoid a too heavy application. I also like to test my stamps out before I use them. Or you could even do some subtle stamping but stamping on the paper first.
  10. Taking tip number 3 in account sometimes you do have to use a whole page to punch out something small. I always make sure I punch near the edge of the paper so I can use the paper for a different project.
There you have it! I hope there tips are useful for someone of you. If I could give you one more bonus tip I would say EXPERIMENT EXPERIMENT EXPERIMENT. The possibilities are endless when it comes to crafting and that is one of the reasons I love it so much. Have fun, be creative and do what you love. Don't let any get you down! And remember, what you love and what someone else love are different. That doesn't mean either is right or wrong. As long as you love your work nothing else should matter. 

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I would also just like to thank everyone who visits my blog. I'm so grateful and if you ever have any request please feel free to let me know! I also have decided to do two posts this weekend - saturday and sunday - as it's my birthday on sunday!

Thanks for visiting, happy crafting.

Susan x 

Well done, you got through the post! Here is a little sneak preview of what's to come on Saturday!

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