Sunday, January 31, 2016

Simplistic Happy Birthday Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone! I wanted to do another quick step by step tutorial on how you can make a very simplistic happy birthday card!

This card is perfect for a last minute job or if have limited suppliers. Any beginners out there who want to give it a go making there own cards this tutorial is definitely for you!

If you want to find out how to make this card then just keep reading.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Biscuit Chocolate Cake - #BakingWithSukilu

Hey everyone!

Welcome to another baking post! I love doing these kinds of posts, I've always stuck to deserts but stay tuned in the next month where you might see some other meal ideas!

I discovered a cooking YouTube channel that I have absolutely fallen in love with and I really wanted to recreate a cake I saw on there. Home Cooking Adventure is filled with yummy treats and other cooking tutorials which I highly recommend you check out! The garlic cheese bombs are something I really want to make for me and my husband! You can check out the channel here.

The cake I will be showing today is a delicious biscuit chocolate cake. It's so simple and easy to make but it's very different to anything I have ever seen before. The perfect cake to impress friends and family with. The fact it's packed full of biscuits helps it not be too sickly!

If you want to find out how you can make this cake then just keep reading.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Embossed Vallum Happy Birthday Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome to another step by step card tutorial! It feels like it's been forever since I have done one of these.

I love getting inspiration from magazines for new card ideas and I thought I would share one with you today. It's a very simple card to make and there are so many ways you could play around and change it.

I love the look of embossed vellum and layering different shapes together to get different looks. The card looks like it incorporates a lot of different items but it's actually fewer than it looks.

If you want to find out how to make this card then just keep reading.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

DIY Bookmark - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone and welcome back to another post! I am so excited to be back to blogging this year as me and Danielle have come up with so many fun ideas to say thanks to everyone to check in and reads our post! Stay tuned to find out what.

Today's post is a short tutorial to show you how you can easily create a cute and extremely functional bookmark. I did a diy bookmark tutorial a while ago but I actually think I prefer this style!

This bookmark has a magnetic closure which allows you to mark a page - or even multiple pages - and not worry about it slipping down or falling out. I usually have my book on my bedside table and I always tend to pick it up in a way that the pages all open and of course the bookmark comes out! I never remember what page I am and have to search through the book to see. This one is perfect as it's strong enough to keep in place even if your book opens.

Another great thing about this bookmark is that it's a cute way of using up some of your scraps!

If you want to find out how you can make your own then just keep reading!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Wine Bottle Sleeve - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone! I can't believe how long it's been since we put up a post here on the blog!

How was everyone's Christmas and New Year? I went by so fast for me and my family it feels like it never happened.

We wanted to take a sort break from putting posts so we could make the most of the whole family being together (my youngest daughter was back from University) and we had a lot of chats about where we want to take the blog this year. Lot's of exciting thing's planned. Also, if you have been following since before christmas we mentioned about a giveaway we have been planning to do. We still completely plan on doing the giveaway we are just finishing up a few bits for it. We have most of the products sitting in the craft room waiting to be boxed up but we wanted to add as much as we can to it! Make sure you stay tuned so you don't miss out.

So in today's post I wanted to share with you a cute way to wrap up a wine bottle to give to a friend or family as a gift! This could also work with non-alcoholic wine or any other bottle in a similar shape!

It's so easy to do and you can easily adjust the sizes if you need to.

If you want to find out how to make your own then just keep reading!