Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Biscuit Chocolate Cake - #BakingWithSukilu

Hey everyone!

Welcome to another baking post! I love doing these kinds of posts, I've always stuck to deserts but stay tuned in the next month where you might see some other meal ideas!

I discovered a cooking YouTube channel that I have absolutely fallen in love with and I really wanted to recreate a cake I saw on there. Home Cooking Adventure is filled with yummy treats and other cooking tutorials which I highly recommend you check out! The garlic cheese bombs are something I really want to make for me and my husband! You can check out the channel here.

The cake I will be showing today is a delicious biscuit chocolate cake. It's so simple and easy to make but it's very different to anything I have ever seen before. The perfect cake to impress friends and family with. The fact it's packed full of biscuits helps it not be too sickly!

If you want to find out how you can make this cake then just keep reading.


1) You will first need to break up 800g (28oz) of digestive biscuits into a bowl. I did mine in relatively big pieces but you can do yours smaller if you would like

2) Measure out 200g (1 cup) of sugar and 60g (1/2 cup) of cocoa powder and place into a saucepan

3) Gradually add 240ml (1 cup) of water and stir with a whisk until you have a watery consistency 

4) Add 150g (2/3 cup) of butter and place over a medium heat. Allow to boil for around 7 minutes and stir it occasionally. Once you have done this remove from heat and leave it to cool for 10-15 minutes. It won't cool completely

5) Once you have left your chocolatey mixture to cool add a teaspoon of vanilla extract (at this point you could experiment with different flavourings) and stir

6) Add your chocolate mixture to your broken biscuits and stir thoroughly until it's all mixed in together. Pour your mixture into cake tins, as many as you need, lined with greaseproof paper and press down with a spoon or spatula. You can make this as thick or thin as you would like. Transfer into your fridge or around 30 minutes to an hour

7) Make the topping after the base is cooled down. To make the topping for your cake break up 120g (4oz) of dark chocolate into a bowl

8) Pour 120g (1/2 cup) of whipping creme into a saucepan and heat until it begins to boil. Pour straight over your chocolate and allow it to begin melting the chocolate for around a minute or two. Mix until it's all smooth and there are no lumps

9) Take your base and pour your topping over and move around the tin to allow it to spread evenly

10) Set in your fridge for 3-4 hours, you could also leave it overnight as we did, and serve!

Look at that biscuity goodness!

This cake was tried and tested by us and many others who all gave it a huge thumbs up! 

I highly recommend you give this cake a try, it's also a perfect for a fun activity to do with little ones, just make sure an adult does the saucepan jobs!

Make sure you check out the cooking channel linked above and let me know if you try anything else on there.

Let us know in the comments down below if there is anything else you want to us to bake! Check back sunday for another card tutorial!

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Happy crafting! & baking!
Susan x

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