Sunday, February 14, 2016

Instagram Craft Giveaway!! - #SukiluCraftsGiveaway

Hey everyone!

This is probably are most exciting and it's-about-time post we have done so far. We mentioned a while back, during blogmas, that we planned on hosting a fun giveaway to say thanks for continuing to read our blog and all the positive feedback we receive.

We are finally ready to host out giveaway and are so excited for one of our lucky followers to win some fun prizes.

To enter this giveaway and be in the chance of winning it's very simple.

Just head on over to our Instagram page and follows the instructions on there. If you don't have an instagram account then you can create one if you wish then delete it after the giveaway ends. Check out our instagram here

The prizes will consist of some of our favourite things plus a few handmade goodies! It will be open internationally so be sure to check it out!

Thanks again for all your continued support and we are so excited for our first (of many) giveaways! 

Our social media accounts -----> TwitterInstagramTumblrFacebook and Pinterest.

Happy crafting! & good luck!!!
Susan & Danielle x

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