Wednesday, March 30, 2016

DIY Paper Bow - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone welcome to another DIY post.

I wanted to do a quick one today as my last one was very chatty! I've seen a few people do these on YouTube but you can actually make your own paper bow from DSP and it looks amazing. 

It's very quick and easy to do and you can create a bow to match any wrapping paper you would like.

If you want to find out how to make it then just keep reading.

Monday, March 28, 2016

In Depth Birthday Card For Beginners! - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome back to Sukilu Crafts! How was your Easter? I loved spending it with my family.

In todays post I wanted to share with you an in-depth tutorial on how you can make a simple birthday card. I will explain ways you can change it to suit different people or even different occasions! It's so simple to do so if you are just starting out with crafting or making your own cards then this is the tutorial for you!

As you can see it's definitely a simplistic card but it still has detail to it. This is very easy to create and it looks like you have spent ages on it when really it takes no time at all!

If you want to find out how you can create your own then just keep reading.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

DIY Easter Egg Basket #3!! - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone and welcome back to another easter post!

I wanted to share with you another idea for a DIY easter basket. They remind me of picnic baskets so they would be perfect for an outdoors easter hunt. 

You could very easily adjust the size to make it slightly bigger if you wanted. If you have an trouble with that and would like a certain size then please leave a comment down below and I'd be happy to help anyway I can!

I wanted to keep the decoration minimal on this one as I felt the design of it alone was very nice but you could always add your own embellishment. All you need is some card stock, DSP and adhesive and you have everything you need.

If you want to find out how you can make your own then just keep reading.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Easter Gift Box With Window - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome to another easter post!

Today I wanted to share with you how you can make a small box to fill with some mini eggs! 

These are perfect if you are in a rush or if you wanted to make some easter gifts for a lot of people. I love having the window so your recipient can take a peak at their goodies.

You only need very few supplies and you can make look so different just buy using different colours.

Let's jump straight in so if you want to find out how to create this box just keep reading.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

DIY Easter Egg Basket #2 - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone!

So in Sundays post I showed you how you can create your own easter basket. It's perfect for children so I thought it would be fun to show another way you can create your own easter basket which is perfect for slightly older children. Even adults would appreciate it.

I saw a picture of this a while ago and have been eager to re-create it but I was waiting for the perfect occasion. This is now the perfect occasion!

It's super simple to make and with 99% of things I have shown you on my blog you can change things to suit your liking and embellish as much or as little as you would like.

If you want to find out how to make it then just keep reading.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

DIY Easter Egg Basket - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone and welcome to my second easter post!

I am so excited to share with you todays DIY. 

I made these cute little easter egg baskets that are perfect gifts for you children or grandchildren. I think it's adds more of a personal touch and is a bit of a change from giving them store bought easter eggs.

You can fill these with a variety of treats and even little teddies. They also make for a great easter decoration in your room/house.

They are so easy to make and you can decorate them however you like. You could also coordinate the colours with your recipients favourites.

If you want to find out how to make your own then just keep reading.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Easter Cakes For Kids - #BakingWithSukilu

Hey everyone and welcome to my first easter post!

I started this blog just under a year ago and I missed doing any sort of easter related posts so I'm really excited to be doing them this year.

I decided to do something with my granddaughters to show a fun activity with them which creates a tasty treat!

They are four and six and this was the perfect 'baking' activity to do with them as it didn't involve any baking! We made some yummy, chewy rice krispy cakes. 

If you want to find out how to make then just reading.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Faux Vase Decor - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone and Happy Mothers Day!!

I hope you have all had a lovely day, I can't believe it's Sunday already!

In todays post I thought I would quickly share with you a fun way of creating your own decor piece for an extremely love price. You will probably find you have everything you need in your house right now!

I transformed a glass water bottle into this faux vase and I love it! I made it for Danielle and I used colours to compliment her house and colour scheme and she loves it. 

It's the perfect DIY because you chose whatever colours you like and add as much or little embellishments as you would like!

All you need to do is simply take a glass bottle of any sort, you could even use a vase that you like the shape of. First of all paint your bottle with some white gesso primer. This will help the colours you put on come out more true to colour and opaque.

Then all you have to do is use some modge podge to attach your embellishments. You could card die cuts, stickers or even print your own designs off. 

Once you have finished coat the entire vase with modge podge to leave it with that beautiful sheen.

You could add some faux flowers inside to add a bit more colour. I added a faux metallic flower to mine to give a simple touch!

I really hope you enjoyed this post. I feel little DIY decor pieces here and there around your house can really add a personal touch.

On another note, me and my husband have been working very hard lately on my craft room, hence being very quiet on the social media front, and once that has finished I will be able to do so many more fun and exciting things! If you want to see the finished result please let me know down below.

Our social media accounts, follow us for updates, inspiration and more! -----> TwitterInstagramTumblrFacebook and Pinterest.

Happy crafting! 
Susan x

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Low Calorie Baked Doughnut Cake - #BakingWithSukilu

Hey everyone welcome to another baking post!

I have never really done a lower calorie desert before but I wanted to share with you one of my favourite treats to make when I'm feeling something sweet but I still want to be fairly good!

The are super easy to make and you could top them with whatever you want. You can even flavour them to make better suited to you and your friends/family.