Friday, July 17, 2015

A Touch of British Culture and a Special Introduction!

Hi everyone!!

A bit strange putting a post on a Friday but I wanted to do something slightly different. This post may be one to show to some family members as it's give you a taste of British Engineering and a look at an iconic British plane.

Before I show you some amazing pictures I wanted to introduce you to someone who is actually very involved in Sukilu Crafts.

When I wanted to start this blog and share what I have learnt I mentioned it to my daughter Danielle. She has actually been very interested in the whole blogging world for a number of years but put off starting a blog of her own because she became a mum! When I brought it up about starting my own she immediately offered to help me out!

Since that day we have worked together to grow my blog and work on all my social media platforms. She has become a sort of an 'assistant' as I like to call her. As I am not that great when it comes to computers and I never understood things like Twitter or Instagram, she built me website and created accounts on many different social media platforms. She also became my photographer and now takes all the amazing pictures you see on my blog and Instagram! We work together on the blog posts; I tell  her the content and she writes it up for me.

Now one thing I haven't mentioned is that I also have a full time job apart from my blog and Danielle works part-time as her daughter is only three and hasn't started school yet. At time she checks my social media's platforms for me, responds to e-mails and even started to take it upon herself to research ideas for future projects. Over time she has become interested in crafting and even loves to help me out when I'm crafting.

Being so involved she has been introduced in the crafting world and has now become one herself. She's very into things like project life, scrapbooking, listing, journalling and has become a 'planner girl'. I actually bought a Erin Condren LP which we use together - stay tuned for a post about it!

I want to see how you would feel about her posting some of her own tips and tutorials once a week on my blog as I feel it will add something a bit extra and now you can have three posts a week as oppose to two!!

Leave a comment down below if you have any requests for her or if you just want to say hi!

Back to the post for today I am actually going to let Danielle finish it because it's something she experienced.

Hello everyone! I am so excited to be taking a part in a post here on Sukilu Crafts.

I will get straight into it as the beginning is slightly long. My partner is very into engineering and something we had been to a number of times is Airplane Shows.

A couple of weeks ago we were lucky enough to witness one of the last flights of a British plane named 'Vulcan' and as it's an iconic plane I thought I would share some snaps from my experience and share a few facts.

Facts about the Vulcan XH558
- It is named the Spirit of Great Britain
- It was first flown on 25th May 1960
- It was in service until 1993 - the year I was born!
- It is now retiring this year - 2015
- This one in particular is the only airworthy one left and it's costs £2 million a year to maintain it.
- It has flown 10% longer than another other Vulcan
- It's only offensive operation was in the Falklands War in 1982
- The sound is called the Vulcan 'howl.' It  is a distinctive sounds caused by the airframes when the engines are working at approximately 90% power.

And boy was it loud! Our daughter spent most of the time with her hands over her ears. But she really enjoyed the experience.

Heres a few pictures from the day.

Hopefully the pictures are doing it justice! I'm not normally into things like this but my partner definitely is. I have to say though we had a lot of fun! So if this isn't your thing maybe you could so a family member or friend the pictures! I know my Dad really appreciated them!

Anyway, I am so excited to be doing a post on my mum's blog and hopefully they will be helpful to some of you! If you have any requests for me please comment down below.

Just to let you know as well if I ever tweet anything or post a picture on Instagram for anything to do with my posts I will end it with ' - D'. Anything else is my lovely mother! I have really enjoyed working with her so far and I'm so grateful she is letting me become more involved. We will be signing off our own posts with our names so you if you ever do a joint post again like this one you will know! 

Thanks so much and I am so looking forward to connecting with you all like my mum has!

Danielle  :) x

Hopefully this post hasn't been too rambling but I am very much looking forward into taking Sukilu Crafts in another direction. I will still be doing my normal Wednesday and Sunday posts but I am very much looking forward to share with you what Danielle has planned.

Don't forget you can tag me on twitter or Instagram if you ever re-make anything on my blog or you can use the hashtag #sukilucrafts.

Follow me on TwitterInstagramTumblrFacebook and Pinterest if you aren't already.

Happy crafting!

Susan x

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