Friday, October 30, 2015

Halloween Planner Spread & Hey Little Magpie must haves! - Fridays with Danielle

Hi everyone!!

Todays post will just be a quick one but there are a few things I wanted to share with you.

I haven't really shown my planner much on here but I was so happy with how my Halloween spread turned out I just to.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Pillow Box Tutorial!

Hey everyone!

Hope you have all been enjoying your week. My daughter was down for a few days from University so we have all been making the most of seeing her. 

In todays post I wanted to share with you a quick tutorial on how you can make a pillow box. You know how much I love making boxes! But the one thing I love about this box is there is almost a formula to making these which allows you to make any size you would like.

In this post I will show you two different sizes and at the end I will explain to how you much you make any size you would like!

Keep reading to find out!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

DSP Stripe Window Card - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone!

Welcome to another step by step tutorial. In todays post I wanted to show a method to create a card for any occasion! I have a lot of things in my crafting stash that I feel I don't use because it's not what I would normally go for but I know finally found away to use things up!

Basically this card has a window, or two, and you use strips of ribbon, DSP or washi tape to create a pattern of stripes inside the window.

It's definitely the perfect method for a christmas card! Not to mention it's a very beginner friendly card.

You could make this card for anyone or any occasion. Also if you are anything like me and you hold on to each and every scrap you have, you will be able to use some of them for your strips.

If you want to find out how to make this card then just keep reading.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Make Your Own Erin Condren Planner Cover - Fridays With Danielle

Hi everyone!

So I've been into planning for quite some time now and I really envy you planner girls who have ring bound planner such as the Kikki K or Filofax! I love how much you can customise you planners with different dashboards, inserts, dividers and the large pocket space you have to fill with planer goodies.

I've had my Erin Condren for a while now and I decided to try and customise it in whatever ways I can. I have seen people making their own covers for it so I decided to give it a go.

I love how it turned out and I feel its much more my style! It was so easy to do but I will say the one thing I learnt was you need to have decent quality laminating pouches. Although it did still work out for me using low quality pouches (they came free with the laminator) it's not extremely sturdy!

If you want to find out how you can make your own cover then just keep reading.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Make Your Own Bookmarks - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone!

So you may have heard my mention a few times that my youngest daughter is currently away at University at the moment. We are all still missing her ridiculous amounts! Since she has been away every now and again I like to send her little present, a lot of them are practical but some are just for fun.

Being away at uni requires her to do a lot of studying which usually involves reading a lot of books. Because she loves reading in general anyway I thought it would be nice to send her some little handmade bookmarks. 

I thought it would be fun to show you how I made her bookmarks because not only are they super easy to make but they make for fun little gifts for your friends and family.

If you want to find out how to make your own then just keep reading.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Washi Tape Holder - Step by Step Tutorial

Hey everyone!

I’ve got another step by step tutorial today for you. I saw Sam from Pootles Papercraft make these washi tape holders and I immediately wanted to make a few for myself. I have accumulated quite a few washi tapes these last couple of month and my organisation for them makes it difficult for me to use them all.

This holder is perfect for sorting out large amount of washi in a way that’s practical in terms of space but also allows you to see them all. You should definitely check out Sam’s youtube channel. I abolsutely love watching her videos, she has so many great tutorials and is all round a pleasure to watch! You can find her youtube channel here.

If you want to find out how you can make your own then just keep reading!

Friday, October 16, 2015

How To Make Your Own Paperdori - Fridays With Danielle

Hi everyone!

If you've been reading my posts since I started doing posts on her you may know I have been very interested in the Midori world. I have seen to many videos on youtube and pictures on Instagram of people using midoris and travellers notebook in such creative ways.

I have a couple of Foxydori's - shop here -  on my christmas wish list but I really wanted to try and make my own. I had a browse online of anywhere I could get my hands on some faux leather or PVC material but being an impatient person I decided to give a go with paper. 

If you aren't familiar with Midori's check out this awesome video by the Reset Girl here. She goes in-depth about sizes, where you can purchase them from and the accessories you get for them.

It was actually a lot easier than I thought to make and I also liked the fact I could add a bit colour to it by using patterned paper. 

If you want to find out how to make your own paperdori then just keep reading.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

DVD Gift Box! - Step by Step Tutorial

Hey everyone!

Hope your week has been going very well. Definitely starting to tell summer is over now here in the UK. I love autumnal fashion though so it's all good!

In todays post I wanted to share with you a gift box I made that is perfect for a DVD or small book! I measured a DVD and came up with the dimensions for a box myself. I know I usually post my tutorials on Sundays but I thought I'd share this quick one with you tonight.

I got some free stamps in a magazine I love to buy - Cardmaking & Papercraft and I was totally inspired by the free christmas stamps you get with it. I have used some of the stamps before in a post from this magazine too. I know it's still a while yet before christmas but I never think it's too early to start prepping early!

Follow Cardmaking & Papercraft on twitter here.

And for you crafters out there, it's the perfect size for a Stampin' Up set of stamps that come in the DVD boxes (the slim ones). The perfect present for a fellow crafter!

If you want to find out how to make this then just keep reading.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Two Tone Icing! - Piping Method

Hi everyone! We are so sorry for the lack of posts this week! If you follow us on twitter you may know that Danielle and myself have been unwell this week and had to take a short break from the blog. We are so glad to be back and I wanted to share you with a quick piping method I have been using lately.

I have been making cakes like crazy for the last month or so and I wanted to try different decorating techniques. I have got fairly confident in piping on icing so I thought it would be fun to try something new.

I recently made some cakes and managed to achieve this two tone icing look with a very simply method. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be and I think they look so cute!

You could try even more colour combinations or even add a third colour once you got the hang of it. 

Check out my cupcake post here to find out how to make the cakes and the icing!

If you want to find out how you can achieve this effect then just keep reading!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Flat Fold Box - Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone!

Today I wanted to show a quick tutorial on how you can make this adorable box!

It's so simple to make and one of the very cool features about this box is the fact it folds flat. This would be an ideal little gift to send someone as you wouldn't have to worry about bulky post! You could make up a load of these and not have to worry about them taking up a lot of space!

It's also perfect to hold some small cards. You could create a set with the same colour scheme but different occasions. As you know I love making boxes and the more you know how to make, the more you can accommodate for.

If you want to find out how to make it then just keep reading.

Friday, October 2, 2015

£1 October Listers Gotta List Set Up! - Fridays With Danielle

Hi everyone! I am so excited to share tonights post with you because I feel this will help so many people.

If you follow a lot of planner girls on instragram you may have noticed a few doing the #ListersGottaList challenge hosted by The Reset Girl. It's an amazing challenge! You basically get a prompt for each day of the month and you create the list based on the prompt. There is room for adapting the prompts to suit you better if needed. There is also some for younger people. If you want to find out more information about this head on over to It's completely free to take part.

I have seen this challenge for months and have always wanted to participate but struggled. I found it so difficult to find the method to record my lists and also the time to do each list. I knew I wanted to do a fair amount of decorating but also making sure I don't overwhelm myself. Looking at all the other lists people had created I was so inspired to find the right method for me to take part in the challenge and I now feel so confident about it!