Saturday, December 5, 2015

Christmas Biscuits - #24DaysOfBlogmas Day 17

Hey everyone and welcome to another baking post here on Sukilu Crafts!

Yesterday I did a post on how you can make some yummy truffles - which me and my family thoroughly enjoyed. I mentioned today's post would be a box to put the truffles in but as it's the weekend I couldn't wait to show you something else! Me and Danielle made these biscuit with Danielle's daughter Brooke. It was such a fun afternoon and Brooke really enjoyed making, and eating, these biscuits.

If you haven't got any plans for the weekend I would highly recommend you grab your children or grandchildren or even nieces/nephews and have some fun in the kitchen. This biscuits are a vanilla flavour decorated with some simple icing!

They are very easy to make and you add your own elements to make them even tastier. If you want to find out how you can make them yourself then just keep reading.


1) In one bowl measure out 470g (1 lb) of plain flour and add 1 teaspoon of baking powder and half a teaspoon of salt. Keep to one side for the moment. I had to use two bowls because I didn't have a separate one big enough!

2) In another bowl measure out 225g (0.5 lbs) of unsalted butter and add 300g (0.7 lbs) of caster sugar

3) Blend the caster sugar and butter until you have a smooth consistency 

4) Add two eggs, one at a time, and whisk into the mixture. Then add 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract. If you want a different flavour then add whatever you would like. You could cinnamon or lemon juice!

5) Gradually add in your bowl of dry ingredients as you whisk - easier if there is two of you! Once all mixed you should have a thick dough consitency 

6) Cover your mixture with cling film and put in the fridge for two hours.

7) About 10 minutes before you take your dough out pre-heat your oven to 200 degrees celsius 
(392 degrees fahrenheit)

8) Sprinkle a generous amount of flour over your clean counter and take out the dough. Roll out your dough to the thicken you want, just remember the thicker your biscuits are, the longer they will take to cook. Using cutters cut out your shapes, if you are really brave then maybe freehand easier shapes like christmas trees.

9) Bake in the over for around 6-8 minutes until they are golden brown. Keep your eye on them as they can easily burn if they are thin

10) Once cooled add some decoration and serve!

They really are delicious! Also a little sneak peak of the box I will show you how to make for them!

What have you thought about my baking posts? I love baking and it can really be a fun family activity. Especially things like baking biscuits which is perfect for children.

Danielle has really been into watching people's vlogmas this year. If you have a YouTube channel link it down below so we can check it out! Maybe we will be doing it next year.

Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss anything! Check back tomorrow at the same time to see more christmas fun!

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Happy crafting! & Blogmas!!

Susan x

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