Saturday, December 12, 2015

Blogmas Giveaway - Coming Soon! #24DaysOfBlogmas Day 24

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to do a quick post to explain a giveaway we will be having in a few short days! This post is going up later than normal as we have been busy discussing details.

For the last 24 days we have been doing a post a day for something we called blogmas! We really wanted to do something fun where we can could give you a ton of ideas for christmas but also with enough time.

We have enjoyed doing it so much and as a thank you to those of you who follow the blog and also our social media account we wanted to do our very first giveaway! It's also our way of giving you a little christmas present!

Currently we are still getting everything together for the giveaway as we want to make it as perfect as possible for you and show our appreciation. It will be all crafty things both made by us and also bits we have purchased ourselves!

Stay tuned and be sure to follow us on Instagram as that's where we will be hosting the giveaway later this week!

Let us know in the comments below what's been your favourite #blogmas post!

Our social media accounts -----> TwitterInstagramTumblrFacebook and Pinterest.

Happy crafting! & Blogmas; sad to see it's over!! We have a lot planned for 2016 though so be excited!

Susan x

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