Sunday, August 30, 2015

Tunnel Fun Fold Card! Step By Step Tutorial

Hey everyone and welcome to another step by step tutorial.

I've been so eager to put this one up as it is by far one of my favourite cards I have made. I'm pretty sure I say stuff like that all the time!

One of the things I love about this card is it's almost like a little surprise when your receiver opens it. It has a very unusual effect when you open it and this give you so much room to customise it which is so much fun.

At first this card may seen slightly confusing to make but once I made one I felt I was on a bit of a roll. I love making them now and I have experiment slightly with how I make them. Stay tuned for an upcoming post!

As always this card is very suitable for any occasion but one that spring to mind for me when I see this card is halloween! This card would be perfect to play around with to give someone a little scare or surprise!

If you want to find out how to make this card then just keep reading!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Mini Wallet - Perfect For Giftcards!

Hey everyone!

Today's post will just be a quick one but I couldn't resist showing you how to make this mini wallet!

Danielle bought a paper pack from TK Max recently and inside there was some pieces of card cut and scored to make different things like small boxes and gift card holders.

I thought it would be fun to make one of the gift card holders of my own and show you how easy it is to use an existing template to make your own version of it!

I decided to call them mini wallets because of the way I personally I would use them. They are ideal for giving someone a gift card or even some money.

These are so easy to make and you could even use them as favours for a birthday party.

Danielle even suggested using them for some form of pen palling or pocket lettering. How creative!

If you want to find out how to make these then just keep reading.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Purse Box! - Step by Step Tutorial

Hey everyone!

One thing you will probably be used to seeing on my blog are different type of boxes. I love making all different shapes as sizes as they accommodate different presents for your loved ones!

So todays tutorial is no different and I will be showing you yet another box! I love the fact that there are so many different boxes to make because I will find one which is the right size for my gifts easily!

Today I will be showing you how to make this adorable purse box.

This is by far one of my favourite boxes I've made and they are perfect for so many different presents. I actually gave one to one of my granddaughters and popped a kinder egg inside. It was the perfect size!

All you to do is follow the easy steps and pictures below to create your own cute little purse box/bag. They would also make for a nice small decoration piece your home if you added lots of embellishments.

If you want to find out how to make this then just keep reading!

Friday, August 21, 2015

How I Use My Happy Planner & Overview - Fridays With Danielle

Hi guys!

So a last week I posted a haul from an online shop I had recently made some purchases and the one of things featured was the Me and My Big Ideas Happy Planner. Check out my haul here.

I've seen this planner so much on social media sites and was interested by it, particularly the way its bound, but it seemed to be impossible to purchase it without having to pay a load in shipping fees.

I couldn't believe it when I found it on Hey Little Magpie for only £24.99!

The reason I bought this wasn't for the reason most people get it. If you read my previous posts you will know I have an Erin Condren Life Planner which I use for everyday planning and I love it. It's already so full with personal things and also Sukilu Crafts related things I couldn't seem to find the room to record anything fitness related.

I'm on a bit of a mission at the moment to get myself healthy and in shape and I wanted a way to record my progress, plan out my workouts and just generally keep me motivated. After seeing the layout of this planner on youtube I thought it would be perfect and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get it! 

In this post I wanted to explain exactly how I'm turning this into my fitness planner and also a little overall review on how I feel about this planner as a whole!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

How To Make Your Own Notepad w/ Holder - #SukiluDIY

Hey everyone and welcome back to another post! I have another SukiluDIY which I'm so excited to do.

Since I've started crafting and making my own things anytime I buy things from shops I find myself adapting them to suit me or adding my own embellishments/decorations. Having this blog I found myself going through mounds of paper with notebooks/pads and sticky notes as I'm constantly writing lists and ideas of projects I want to do.

I don't have really cute or pretty notepads or sticky notes so I wanted to give it a go in making my own. I love how they turned out so much and they were so easy to make! I didn't even had to use whole sheets of paper. I went through my scraps and I had all I needed there (except for the inside - the actual pad).

These are so easy to make and as you can see - adorable!

They are perfect small gifts for any stationary or crafting addicts and you can add as much or as little in terms of embellishments as you would like. They also have a functional use to them too as you can use them to keep your notes or lists in one place!

If you want to make your own DIY Notepad then just keep reading!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Anniversary Card - Step by Step Tutorial

Hi everyone! Welcome to another Sunday post. 

If you are living in the UK are you just as confused as I am about the weather at the moment? We've been having those days were you look outside and its looks hot but it's not and vice versa! British weather for you!

Today's post is a very special one for me as last week I celebrated my 25th Wedding Anniversary with my husband! I decided to show you that card that I had made for him as I'm so happy with how it turned out. You should see the card he made for me! I'll put a picture at the end of this post so you can see it!

I realised I when I was making this card I don't have a huge amount of anniversary related stamps in my collection but I definitely feel I made it work!

As it was our silver anniversary I wanted to incorparate silver into my card so I added 'LOVE' in silver lettering and I think it adds something really special to the card.

This card was very easy to make and as always it's something you could change up to suit any occasion. I love the technique of using my big shot and TWO dies to create a frame!

If you want to find out how I made this then just keep reading.

Friday, August 14, 2015

£50 Hey Little Magpie Haul! - Fridays With Danielle

Hey guys. I think this is the most excited I have ever been about putting up a post!

Ever since I started crafting I haven't really shopped at a huge amount of places. Personally for me and what my style is I couldn't walk into a shop and come out with a lot of items because I found it difficult to find the things I want. Not that I won't continue to shop in them!

I started trying to find some online crafting suppliers to see if there was any that stood out to me and that I could find the products that I really wanted. I love anything planner, scrapbooking or journalling related so I really wanted to get some cute paper, washi tapes and any other stationary I could get my hands on.

By luck - completely and utterly amazing luck - I came across a site called Hey Little Magpie. I will say now that I can't help at time judge a website by how it looks and how easy it is to use before I even look at the products - anyone else do that? I have to say this website was extremely easy to use and I thought the graphics were cute.

After looking on the website for a bit I found a particular product that I have been wanting to get my hands on for ages and I hadn't found a UK supplier for it! Stay until the end of this post to find out what it is. This sparked this whole haul but even if I wouldn't have found it I still would have purchased everything else.

I checked out shipping prices and it was very reasonably priced so I splurged a bit. I decided to spend over the £50 mark as I got free shipping. They do ship internationally - you can find prices on the site. I ordered mine on Friday 7th August at nearly 4PM and it arrived on Tuesday 11th August before 10AM.

Disclaimer: everything in this haul was purchased by me with my own money, nobody asked me to shop there or asked me to do this post. I was very impressed with the shop as a whole and I definitely feel other people will love it!

Check it out here

Enough rambling! If you want to find out what I got then just keep reading. I will link everything below so you can find them on the website.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Marvel G; How To Decoupage!

Hey everyone!

Hope your week is going very well. When this goes up I will be back from my trip with my husband where we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary!

You may remember back in may I showed you some presents I had got for my birthday - if you haven't seen that post you can check it out here.

One of the things I got was some mache letters. A 'G' for my husbands name and a 'S' and 'C' for Sukilu Crafts. As my husband is really into comics and all things marvel I decided to grab some marvel comics from my local comic store and cover the 'G' with little pieces of all the magazines.

I aoblustely love how it turned out and it was actually quite easy to do. I thought I would share with you how I did it as I found few little tips and tricks that made it a lot easier for me to get a seamless finish!

If you want to decoupage with me that just keep reading!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Washi Tape Card In 10 Steps - Step by Step Tutorial

Hi everyone and welcome to another post!

In todays post I will be showing something which in my opinion is a little bit different and I haven't really seen many other people do - tag me in a picture if you have done it before though because I would love to see.

I don't have a huge collection of washi tape but I have enough for my personal use. I mostly use it for when i'm using my big shot to stop my dies from moving around. I recently purchased 9 new washi tapes as they were extremely inexpensive from The Range and I thought they would be perfect for a card I had been wanting to make.

I wasn't sure if it would look almost too much having washi tape completely covering a card but I actually really love how it turned out.

I feel the washi I used compliment each other beautiful and then with the simply way of putting a sentiment on it really pops!

This card is very easy to make and if you have a huge washi collections it's a fun way to use some of it. I will also show you a few different things I have made with washi tape so be sure to stay until the end of the post!

Keep reading to find out how you can make one of your own.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Travellers Style Notebook - Fridays With Danielle

Hey guys!! I am so happy to be doing another post! 

I had made some small travellers notebook inspired books for me and my daughter - Brooke - to do The Reset Girls #ListerGottaList challenge and I was looking for an excuse to make another one because I have been majorly hoarding paper - especially 12" x 12".

I was showing my 6 year old niece - Ellie and she absolutely loved them! My sister lives very close by to me so I get to spend a lot of time with my niece. Her and Brooke love each other and play together loads - it's so sweet!

I decided to make one for Ellie so she could use it as a sort of diary and put stickers all over it. She is obsessed with stickers!!

We went through my paper and she chose the one she loved then the rest will be a complete surprise for her!

I love the one's I had made for me and Brooke but I wanted to do something slightly different for Ellie. I attached a Heidi Swapp clip from a pack I had purchased from TK Max!

Keep reading to find out how you can make your own!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

How To Make Your Own Mini Tiles - #SukiluDIY

Hi everyone!

Today's post is actually I project I did a few months ago and really want it give another go as I loved how it turned out! 

I will be showing you some mini tiles that make for beautiful decor pieces and can be used in so many ways! They are very similar to the faux tiles I made in this post here

However, these are made with clay and I feel they are much more customisable than the ones I did in the other post! 

These tiles are perfect for so many different things which I will explain at the end of this post!

If you want to find out how to make these then just keep reading.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Milk Carton Box for Faux Tea Light - Step by Step Tutorial

Hey everyone!

A few weeks ago when I was out shopping I spotted some electric tea lights that I thought were so cute - I had to buy them. I had no idea what I intended to do with them so they were sitting on one of my crafting shelves for a while. I then came up with the idea of making some form of box to put one in with windows and it turned out to be beautiful.

So in todays post I wanted to show you exactly how I did it. Even if you don't want to use this milk carton box for electric tea lights you can use it for so many different things. You could even it for small gifts for a friend or family member. They are so cute!

It is extremely important to remember I only used an electric tea light in my box and I would not use any type of real candle in the box as open flames in a card box would be very dangerous! I even would advise not using an electric on for extensive amounts of time incase they became hot. 

If you want to find out how to make this cute milk carton style box then click below.