Friday, September 25, 2015

The Importance of a Brain Dump! - Fridays With Danielle

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another post with myself, Danielle. I can't believe it's Friday already!

I wanted to do a post explaining what I feel is the importance of a brain dump. I have been using it now for around a month and I can honestly say it has helped me out so much! A brain dump is essentially a place where you store any ideas, things you want to remember, basically anything that comes to your mind and you want to be able to record it.

The thing I love about a brain dump is that it can be as messy as you want it to be. You can slap on a load of sticky notes or just write directly on the page. It doesn't have to be this beautiful decorated or organised place. As long as you can decipher it all, its fine! I did decorate the front of mine though. How can I not?!

Now you can use anything you would like as a brain dump. A notes section in your planner, a pad of sticky notes, a small notebook, there are so many things you would use. I would however recommend you write on some form of paper rather than a mobile phone for example and you use something small enough that you can carry it around with you. 

I purchased a pack of three small notebooks from TK Maxx and I turned one of them into my brain dump.

The reasons I believe having a brain dump is simple. Think about how many times you have been sitting at work, or driving your car, grabbing a cup of coffee and you suddenly think of a great idea. When this happens you may think to yourself, I'll have to write that down when I get home or I'll have to look that up. How many times do you forget? If you have a place, say a notebook, on you at all times you will be able to write it down as soon as you think of it and you wouldn't have to worry about trying to remember.

A lot of us planner girls use more than one planner and you can't always carry them around with you. If you write down everything you need to know/want to remember down in your brain dump you can then deconstruct the information when you are home and write it down in the relevant planner or place you want it go.

A quick example of something I have jotted in my brain dump is how I want to prep for 2016. Every year I make the same or similar resolutions and goals and I fail very early one because I don't prepare myself. It's all well and good having goals but I feel I need to create tasks in orders to achieve these goals. 

Do you guys use a brain dump? If so what do you use as yours?

Thanks so much for reading this post. I can't wait to for you see Sundays post! Me and Susan moved into the kitchen where she made something amazing! Keep your eye out for it.

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Danielle <3

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