Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Quick Tip! - Crafting Made Easy

Hi everyone!

I have been wanting to do this post for a while now as I have discovered a tip which to me has been life changing when it comes to doing my crafting! Even if I didn't actually notice completely what I had done.

If you have been following my blog for a while now you will know that I love making different types of boxes and cards. As much as I love making them I don't remember all measurements and things I need to do to put them together off the top of my head. I have tried multiple different methods of keeping note of this information and trying to store it in a way I can easily access it but I found myself searching through endless pieces of paper to find the one I wanted.

The other issue I have occasionally come across is when I am making a box for example. 99% of the time you have to score the long side at certain points then the short at certain points. There have been a few boxes I have made where when you turn your card to score on one side, after having scored on the other side, it make a huge different what direction you turned it. Very often I would forget and not record this information so it would mean me having to start all over again.

I wanted to come up with a way I could easily make and re-make my projects without wasting card or spending too much time trying to figure out how to score it. Intially I had no intention of doing this post but Danielle actually point out that my method was something she never would of thought of and absolutely loved the idea!

All I did was take a piece of card, any colour (apart from black as you may want to write on it) and made some templates for the project I would be working on with Danielle for this blog.

I would do everything to the template so it would be at the point where you would normally stick it together

A little sneak peak of a post coming up very soon, can you guess what it is?

You could even record any particular sizes and DSP you need for that project.

The next time you want to re-make that particular box or bag all you would need to do is use your template as reference and you can always be sure your cutting and scoring in all the right places! It make doing your projects a breeze!

I really hope you enjoyed this quick tip post. Hopefully a few of you will be able to use this method and easily work on multiple projects at a time!

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Happy crafting!

Susan x

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