Friday, November 20, 2015

Handmade Gift Tags - #24DaysOfBlogmas Day 2

Hey everyone and welcome to day 2 of Blogmas!!

I hope you enjoyed the first post last night where I showed you how you can make your own christmas crackers! If you haven't seen that post yet check it out here.

Today I wanted to show you something very simple yet fun in my opinion.

Handmade gift tags! I wanted to make something slightly different to your typical christmas gift tag. You can add as much decoration - like pictures or sentiments - as you would like and still have more than enough room to write your message.

You can make these whatever shape, size, colour you would like and they take no time at all!

If you want to find out how to make your own gift tags then just keep reading.


1) Decide what shape or even shapes you want to make your gift tags and cut out around three pieces in different colours. You could use contrasting colours or colours in the same family. I personally love the look of having them all the same size but you could definitely try making the with different sizes

2) I chose to do circles as there was a particular stamp I wanted to use that fit perfectly in a circle. I stamped a decor piece on one circle, a sentiment and a 'to' and 'from' on the third. I embossed mine to add more texture and make them stand out more

3) Finally punch small holes in the top of your gift tags and attach them all together with some string or ribbon

Thats it! Quick and simple. You could even make them to match your wrapping paper (hint of another post during #Blogmas).

I will also be showing you another DIY gift tag you can make! How excited is everyone for christmas? I can't believe how quick it's coming round.

Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss anything! Check back tomorrow at the same time to see more christmas fun!

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Happy crafting! & Blogmas!!

Susan x

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