Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Pattern 3D Butterfly Picture - DIY Decor

Hey everyone!

Welcome to another post.

I wanted to do another quick one tonight to show you a cool way you can DIY some decor for your home. I purchased this deep frame from my local charity shop and I wanted to find a fun way to use it.

I decided to create this pattern of 3D butterflies on a sky background and I loved how it turned out. I really wanted to share it on here incase it gave someone else inspiration to create some wall art of their own.

It's so easy to do so just keep reading to find out!

You will need a deep frame for this to create the 3D butterflies but you also use a thin one and just keep your butterflies flat.

Pop out the back of the frame and stick on a back ground. I used a paper from Maggie Holmes. It's this gorgeous sky with really soft life-like clouds on it.

You will then need to cut out your butterflies. The size and the amount will vary depending on the effect you want to create. I used many different patterns from different collections but stuck to the same kind of colours. You then want to gently fold them to make them bow out slightly.

Plan out where you want each butterfly to go before you stick them down. First start with the centre one as it makes it easier to stick the rest down. 

I wanted a bit more 'bling' to my picture to I added a couple of gems to the middle parts of my butterflies.

Stick your picture inside of your frame and you are complete!

As you can see it's so simple to do. You can create any pattern or design you would like. If you have a room that you think needs that something extra you can have a quick look through your scraps and your crafting collection and come up with something in no time at all.

I also wanted to mention a few things in tonights blog. Me and Danielle have been talking about creating a YouTube channel for quite some time now and we wanted to know your opinion. Would you like to see videos from us? Danielle has also mentioned about her doing some form of weekly vlogging, is that something you would all like to see? Please let us know in the comments section below!

Please let me know if there is anything you would like to see or if you have any questions about previous posts. 

Don't forget if you re-make this tag me on twitter or instagram or you can use the hashtag #sukilucrafts.

Follow me on TwitterInstagramTumblrFacebook and Pinterest if you aren't already.

Happy crafting!

Susan x

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